the village

he group agreed to rest for the night and head into the village of Greenhaven the next morning, as the sun was setting. As the group rested at the cave and ate some soup prepared by shade, raph And owen were bickering over a card game they were playing while eating well shade and law said nothing.

As the sun arose the next morning, the group ate breakfast and continued their journey,

Being surrounded by nature was nice but everyone agreed it seemed weird that nothing had attacked them on their way to the village yet. As the continued to walk the village was now in sight.

Its long luscious fields of crops, a collection of wooden houses, the group has left behind the dense forest As they approached, villagers paused their activities to curiously observe the travelers entering their peaceful haven.

The party decided to head to the village quickly as the sun would set in a few hours. As they headed into the village mixed reactions could be seen from the villagers as they paused the daily activities, Owen stretched out his wings with a sigh of relief "finally so space to stretch."

Raphael glanced at the shade and grinned."I could use a decent bed and some real food."

Shade raised an eyebrow, feeling offended. "So, my cooking isn't good enough for you?" Shade words laced with sass

Misaki giggled at Shade's reaction. "Yes, let's find a place to rest. We've been walking for a while," Law said, trying to sound serious.

Some villagers started with wary eyes, while others whispered clearly intrigued by the group's unusual composition, especially Shade's four ears. Shade's tail twitched with unease as he felt the weight of their stares. Law realized that shade was uncomfortable so he put an arm around shade for comfort.

Raph seemed not to have noticed this but didn't say anything. The wooden sign, swinging gently in the breeze,"The Green Leaf Inn." The sign read,Inside, the innkeeper, a short badger beastman, greeted them warmly. "Welcome to green leaf travelers We don't get many visitors here. What brings you to Greenhaven?" "We're on a quest," Law replied, his voice steady. "We need a place to rest and gather supplies."

The interpersonal nodded as he glanced at each member of the group, " Well we can't offer you much at the moment but you can certainly rest and gather supplies, the room upstairs on the left is available. Would you like a separate room or one room?" the bagger asked Owen then responded " 1 room with beds please one for the lady and the other for us guys" the innkeeper nodded once more before handing them a key " that will be four cooper and dinner will be ready in an hour." Owen handed four copper coins to the bagger.

As the party walked up the stairs a sense of relief filled the group, as the entered the room and were trying to settle down Owen and Misaki almost immediately started talking about their next steps while raph decided he was taking a nap and fell asleep as soon as he landed on the bed

" Is that..a lion thing?" Shade asked Law who looked at Shade and said" no, it's him thing."

Shade and Law decided to take a walk around Greenhaven, hoping to learn more about its inhabitants and perhaps find clues about their next destination .

As both law and shade strolled through the village they could hear children, they could see farmers tended to their Fields And the scent of fresh baked bread filled the air.

An elderly fox beastman approached them, curiosity in his eyes. "You two aren't from around here. What brings you fine young men to our village?" Shade and Law exchanged a glance before Law replied, "We're searching for information about an artifact and some old ruins."

The old fox nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, the ancient ruins of Eldoria. A dangerous place, indeed. But perhaps you'll find what you're looking for. Be cautious, though. Strange things have been happening around here lately."

Both Shade and Law were interested and we're about to ask a Question but Misaki cam running up to them saying dinner was ready and they should head back or miss out on dinner.

As she ran back to the inn full speed as shade and Law tried to follow but Misaki made it to the in 2 minutes before the Two monkeys as law and shade opened the door all winded. As they sat Down to eat they noticed a feast right in front of him. Raph who had woken up for dinner was eating very fast like someone was coming to chop his legs off.

As they finished the delicious meal that was set out I front of them some villagers cam to chat

But the villagers almost seemed scared to be too friendly. Owen couldn't help but feel there was more going on here then they realized and shads already knew what was going on here since he did read the book but he has only read the first one so the other seven were not out yet at that time in his past life.

Later that evening, Owen and Misaki were hunched over old texts they got from the village's small library. The dusty tomes spoke of the Ruins of Eldoria and their ancient connection to the legendary staff. "This one mentions a guardian who protects the staff," Misaki said, pointing to a passage. "We'll need to be prepared for that."

Owen nodded. "And look here, it says the ruins are riddled with traps. We need to plan carefully." meanwhile Raphael was in deep conversation with law about battles past and their may victorys together, it seemed that they had a nice friendship shade thought.

after planing for what Seemed to be hours the group finally decided to go to bed raph and owen had decided it would be best if law and shade slept otherwise couch together since the are smaller the both raph and Owen Misaki agreed But the two monkeys stayed silent as both their faces had become red, Shade didn't know why His face was red and was oblivious to laws face being red as well, They all prepared to get ready for bed Misaki changed in the bathroom well the guys were changing In the main room.

shade had noticed well changed law kept looking at him and thought it might be because of the scars all over shades back. When they finally finished changing and Misaki was out of the rest room raph asked to talk to law alone so the both headed to the most private place in the room, the washroom. Shade was quite curious about this since it didn't happen in the novel but decided to ignore It. As the went to sleep the being known as system Visited him in his sleep

And told him to be careful the demon lord general is more powerful Than him. Shade nodded in agreement. As the system Left and Shade began to dream.

As the sun hit shades face and he opened his eyes to see he was cuddling Law who was staring at him not saying a word, shade jumped up in surprise and fell off the couch his face as red as a tomato, Shade didn't seem to notice that Law was blushing more then Him.

The others seemed to have been watching. The whole situation burst into laughter as Law sat up and glared daggers at them. " Did you nice sleep, cuddling with each other" raph snickered before he burst into laughter again as law got up and started to chase Raphael around the room, as shade was embarrassed and surprised by raph actually being friendly but mostly shade was just embarrassed.

As they went down to eat breakfast there was another feast set up and raphs mouth started to drool. Shade and Law were still embarrassed as raph kept teasing them about cuddling each other. After they ate and got ready to gather more intell about where the ruin where abouts

Misaki, Law and Owen were put into a group by raph and " I'm going with shade by the way." raph said to everyone's surprised

As they investigated they ech found more clues and as it was almost time to regroup

Raph asked shade a question " Shade, what do you think about law?"