The morning came as the sun rose, the tea was boiling, and the bread was toasting as the people of the house came down to eat. Sophie was heading downstairs when she heard her parents talking.

         "So, what do you think?" Dad asked.

        "That can work," Mom replied.

        "What can work?" Sophie asked.

        "Nothing, just something about work, dear," Dad replied.

        "Sophie, James is not feeling well; he has a fever, so he won't be going to school today. So you are coming back straight home today, OK?" Mom implied and asked.

        "Yes, Mom," Sophie responded.

        "Sophie, about what happened yesterday, I paid for your school bus pick up, so you will be going on the bus." Dad implied.

         "Unfortunately, I have an urgent meeting, so I won't be able to drop you off."

        "It's okay, Father; I can go on the bus," Sophie assured him.

        "Thank you, Sophie. Well, I'll be going now. Bye and take care." Dad said. He picked up his car key and his briefcase and left for work.

          After Mr. Agustin left for the office, Sophie left for school. Sophie headed for the bus stop and waited for the bus with four other students who were in other classes. The bus came 5 minutes later, and she and the others got on. She saw Nick and Bella on the bus. She was happy to see them and found a seat near them.

        "Hello, Sophie. Wow, surprising seeing you take the bus." Bella said.

         "Yeah, well, an incident happened yesterday, so that's why I am taking the bus," Sophie said as she sat on the seat.

         "What happened, Sophie? Are you hurt?" Nick asked, concerned.

           "I am fine, Nick. Well..."" Sophie told them everything about what happened.

           "I heard in the news that kidnappings were happening; thank God you lost the person. Only God knows who he was." Bella implied.

"Sophie, you need to be careful," Nick said.

        "Yeah, I know. That's why I am taking the bus instead of walking to school." 

        Suddenly, the bus stopped at a particular junction, and Sophie and the others looked outside and saw a hooded person getting on the bus. The person walked past Sophie and Bella's seats and went to sit behind Nick.

        "Who's that?", "He's not in our school." Sophie and Bella heard all these whispers and looked at each other as they agreed to the whispers.

        "Maybe he is a new student." Sophie implied.

        The bus then left the junction and headed towards the school. After some time, the bus reached the school, and the students went to their classes. Before the lecture started, Sophie and Bella heard rumors going on in class.

        "So you think he is in our class?"That is what I heard when I passed the principal office.

        Bella then went to the boy, who had black hair and brown eyes.

        "Hey Mike, what is this about?" Bella asked.

        "I think there is a new student in our school, and he might be in our class," Mike replied.

        "Hmmmm, ok, thanks," Bella responded.

        After a few seconds, the bell rang and everyone went to their seats. Their class teacher entered, and the students greeted him.

        "Good morning, class. I hope you are doing well." The teacher, who looked like he was in his late 40s, said.

         The teacher waved at the door, indicating that someone else should enter. The students saw that a boy walked into the class with dark black hair and reddish-brown eyes. Sophie and Bella looked at each other, surprised.

         "Students, I want to introduce Nathan Clerk. He will be joining your class today." Mr. Michael implied.

         "You can sit there child." Mr Michael said this to Nathan as he pointed to the chair near the window.

          Nathan went to his seat and the lessons began. Sophie was just amazed at how he was able to get admission. But she shrugged it off and focused on class. In recess, Sophie and Bella told Nick about Nathan.

        "So, he is a new student, and we were worrying for nothing," Nick said.

        "Yeah." Sophie agreed. "So, where is Miles?" Bella asked. "He went to his computer class," Nick replied.

         "Okay," Bella responded. "So guys, I am going to my debate class; see you later.

          "Yeah, I am also going for my football practice," Nick added.

          Sophie sighed "Guess I am alone again." Sophie implied sadly. "Don't say that; we will be right back," Bella assured Sophie.

           Nick and Bella went for their club practice and Sophie sat on a bench in the school garden and started reading a novel. As she was reading, she suddenly felt uncomfortable as if someone was watching her. She looked around, but no one was there. She ignored it and went back to reading. 

          After some time, Nick was coming back from practice, and he went to the boys' lavatory. After he was done, he was heading to his locker when he saw that a student was blocking his locker.

          "Excuse me, that's my locker," Nick said. The student then turned around, and Nick knew it was Nathan who Bella and Sophie were talking about. 

          "Sorry." Nathan apologized with a deep voice and an expressionless face and moved aside.

         "It's fine," Nick said. Nick opened the locker and kept his things. He looked at Nathan, who was also using his locker. 

           "You are Nathan, right? The new student?" Nick asked. "Yes." Nathan replied, "Oh, OK, my name is Nick; it's nice to meet you." Nick said, smiling, and moved his hand forward for a handshake. Nathan looked at his hand for a moment but gave him a handshake.

          "You too," Nathan said with a cold expression.

          Nick had a strange feeling that something wasn't right, but he just ignored it and went back to class.

          After 2 and a half hours, it was closing time. Sophie was heading out of school to go home. But she then came across Brenda (the most annoying, proud, and obnoxious girl in the whole school) with her minions bullying a girl in the locker area.

          "Who told you that you could use this locker?" Brenda said rudely to the girl. "It was empty, and I thought I could use it." The girl said it without any expression while looking down at her ruined books.

           Sophie knew that Brenda was now back at her bullying attitude since she was only nice to get on the front page of the school yearbook. Sophie couldn't stand it and went to her.

       "Hey Brenda, what's the deal?" Sophie said angrily.

      "Oh, look, it's Miss Goody's shoes," Brenda said, annoyed, as she looked at Sophie and swung her blonde hair like a prom queen.

       "You better stop before I report you." Sophie implied."Oh really?" Brenda said, without feeling threatened.

        "You are trying me? You don't remember the last time?" Sophie reminded her.

         "Tch, I don't have time for you, pathetic loser. Let's go, girls." Brenda said and left with her minions, following her like babies. 


         Sophie had reported Brenda once before, but the staff gave her a warning, and now she always plays goodies in front of the staff and continues her bullying behavior behind their backs. But there was also a problem: Benda's aunt was the secretary of the school, and her dad was the CEO of a rival company of my dad's. With that being said, nobody can get rid of her easily. Sophie then went and helped the girl.

         "Hey, you okay?" Sophie asked as she helped the girl with her books.

         "I am fine; you didn't have to do that." The girl replied while picking up her books with an expressionless face.

        The girl then stood up, and Sophie saw her face; her right eye was covered with her black hair, and she had the same eyes as Nathan. 

          "I have not seen you around before; are you new here?" Sophie asked. "Yes." She implied.

        "In that case, my name is Sophie; it's nice to meet you." Sophie implied and moved her hand to shake.

         "My name is Gia." The girl replied with a small smile and shook back. "You look like Nathan. Are you related?" Sophie asked curiously.

        "Yeah, he is my twin brother, but he is older," Gia replied. "Oh okay. Which class are you in?" Sophie asked. "I am in art class, B section," Gia replied.

          "Oh, I'm sure you have met Brian and Lucy; they are my friends. Alright then, see you tomorrow. It was nice meeting you." Sophie said while heading out. "Yeah, you too," Gia replied with a small smile.

         As Sophie was leaving, Gia was still looking at Sophie, as she was curious about her. Sophie then headed to the bus stop to get on the bus. Two minutes later, Bella and Nick also joined her.

            "Hey guys, you're right on time; the bus is almost here." Sophie implied. "Yeah, Lucy needed some help, so that's why I am late," Bella said.

           "And I was helping out Nathan; he asked for Miss Rose's office as he also wanted to know if he and his sister could go on the field trip," Nick added. "He has a sister?" Bella asked, surprised.

            "Yeah, twin sister; I met her when I was coming here. Her name is Gia." Sophie said.

            "OK," Bella said. Bella saw that the bus was arriving. "Oh, the bus is here. Let's continue on the bus." 

                All three of them got on the bus, and as the bus was about to leave, they saw Nathan running towards the bus. Bella asked the bus driver to stop. The bus then stopped, and Nathan got on. Nick offered a seat next to him, but Nathan quietly went to sit at the back. Nick felt bad; maybe he did something to offend him. They all went in their directions. Sophie felt it was nice that there were two new students in their schools.