Chapter 3- A doctor I need


Another faint and I slept for 2 days, what the heck... The magician doctor that came said it was a sudden mana drain because of my sudden awakening of power, my grandparents kept it a secret and I'm glad they kept all the people sent by my stepmom to shut up and jailed

They did get the medicine examined and my grandpa was furious, now I'm here looking at the broken window from the power I made, they put a barrier on it to avoid the rain from coming in

My magic examination will be tomorrow since the typhoon is mad and now we had to be stuck here for days

"Your power is inevitable, I never thought it would come to such an age such us now we thought you are just ordinary!!" I heard my grandpa coming towards me with a bowl of vegetable meat, I received it and sat down to eat

"How did you do it, how did you know about the disaster at sea?" He asked again?"

"I- I don't know, rage just came out of me as if another part of me opened and I felt a heat all over my body, as for the prediction, uhhh, that was the nightmare!!" I answered

"My? The mana leaked thus creating a magic that your body posses!"

"Grandpa, let me do a self study, allow me to have the books of magic you keep locked!!" He put his hands on my shoulder and smiled

"Finally, I hid those in hope you would want to study- come to the library and take my spare key!"

"Can we go now? I'm done eating!!" I said exited

"Alright, since I'm bored I could at least help you out with my little knowledge!!" He said getting up

We headed out and I desperately walked with him, I gained strength after eating a lot of healthy foods, water was my friend to keep my dehydration from healing

Grandpa has an ability to make ice... He was a good old knight before marrying my grandma and becoming a duke of Winsor, he is still being called sometimes to train knights that's why there is a knight ground here in the Winsor mansion being trained before they go to the royal palace and be knighted

"Are there any letter from my family?" I asked suddenly

"None, just a letter from your father who is concerned when you went on a coma?"

"Can I have them, let me at least keep a love letter from my dad!!"

"Hahaha!!!" He chuckled on my words, I always ignore father's letters, back then I only care about my step mom's miserable letter that don't even have a soul to say I love you, I bet she didn't even write those, I'm so angry knowing that I ignored someone who cared for me the most

I remember this part of my life when I was punished to come m and stay here for months, I don't remember falling but I remember harassing all the new knights, insult them and made the maids miserable cos I wanted a desperate attention.... I feel so embarrassed


"Yes dear?" I heard him spoke as he push the door

"Is there any way for me to apologize to the Knight's, I feel so bad for my bad treatment and I was wondering if I could train too and gain at least a knight sword so I can be offred a small title to keep my feet standing?" My body slammed against him, he felt like a rock cos of his light training armor

I was surprised when he looked back with tears in his eyes

"A-are you ok, did I say some-"

"Oh by the grace of God, I always wanted to hear you say those words!!" A little kiss was planted on my forehead and a hug so tight that could break my bones

"Oh- ok!!"

"Sorry love- come on, I'll help you look at the books!!"

Grandpa showed me a secret cabinet that had passages and where he keeps the key

"Every magic you learn, I will show you secret passages!!" He said, I was exited that I hugged him, I was embarrassed for a while since it's not normal for me to show my affection but when my grandma saw me, she came along and hugged me again


For the whole night I only studied magic and how it works.... I can't stop and kept my eyes on it

"Good morning grandson- did you study all night to sleep here on the carpet!!" I Iooked around with blanket and a books scattered all around me

"I guess I did!!!" I said getting up

"Come on let's get you prepared, the magician is coming?"

"Yes grandma!!"




Preparing didn't take long for me but I wanted a nice bath to keep my stench away, I couldn't wait any longer since they still have to heat up a water.... I went on the cold water, it has gotten easier for me to wash myself in cold water since I'm carrying all my experience from my past

"Young master are you ok on the cold water! It's really cold!" Miss Evan asked with a concerned look

"Yes please, I feel better on cold water!!"

Before I left the water, I realized the water is warm, how did that happen, I touched myself and felt my temperature cold


I dressed up plainly and put aside my expensive clothes, I feel suffocated putting up layers and layers of it

It's quite unique of me to put up a fashion in the future, but I look like a hanger due to being so skinny, I really need to grow and eat meat, those that are not processed and given by my household maids instructed by my step-mother

"Oh there he is- sorry for the wait doctor?"

"It's more than alright duke when I heard the eldest son of Kronus house had a mana awakening I was thrilled and roll down here to take a look, it's also an honour to look at a young master!!"

"Sorry to keep you waiting doctor!!" They all beckoned their eyes on me walking down the stairs, I'm glad I can walk again because of the vegetables I kept consuming, it made me stronger giving me more strength

"Oh- you must be the Eldest young master- you look!!"

"Like a quibble!!" I finished his sentence, he must be expecting someone bigger and larger

"No-No not at all... I heard you were sick so I was exited to take a look at your state and contribute something-" he's talkative and- wait a second

Doctor Magician Hedley, he's that famous Palace magician in the future, he's a cure discoverer and has a big mountain field full of medicine herb that everyone though was useless, I can't believe my eyes....

"I-Im so glad to see a talented magician doctor here in my grandpa's household please be seated!!"

"Oh- how kind!!"

"Is that the eldest son of Kronus or he's possesed!!"


I can't help but chuckle over what I keep hearing on my servants....

"May I please feel your pulse?" Asked the doctor

"Of course!!" I gave him my hands which he gladly took and felt it... He just sat down and closed his eyes, it was for a minute of two, he's so young and realistic, I only see him on the newspapers and posters when I was a construction worker

"Oh my-" I was startled staring at him when he opened his eyes like he's seen a ghost

"I-is everything alright"

"Just a sec your highness-" he pulled a small notepad and started taking notes, he's quite a cheeky doctor who writes notes and doesn't care about anyone as long as he gets to read the book he likes.... Right now I feel like I'm being treated like an ordinary creature

"Alright, before we start I only want the young master and the duke in a room with me, or maybe an open place with trees!!" He said showing his smile, wow, he's got a gold tooth with heart sticker on, he's quite the fashionista

"Of course doctor, a garden and a tea near the lake with ducks might be the best to keep you two cooled!!" Says my grandma

We all moved to the garden lake and asked every servant to stay away as far as possible, we only kept Gavin my knight to keep us safe

"Your grace, your grandson might've open a big clairvoyant Magus magic, it's a good news and it's threatening to the other nobles!!" Says Doctor Hedley sipping and enjoying the cup of chocolate tea

"W-what do you mean!!!"

"Tell me young man- what happened before you fell!!" I looked at him with stern face and wide eyes... I can't tell him I come from the future, he won't buy it

"Yes, you know after the fall he said he had a nightmare and he also predicted a typhoon that is coming and warned me about my sailor's safety....the Talon House didn't listen to me now two of the cruise ship sank-"

"Oh dear, my condolences to the Talon household with you Duke Winsor!!" Says the doctor with a rather sad face

I didn't think my grandpa will really listen to me

"It's alright, now to the main person here my grandchild- you are my only hope to keep his health back after we discovered a wicked treatment he received-" Grandma scowled and was teary for a second

"You have come to the right doctor, if you want I would like to take the prince with me!"


"Yes, your case is quite especial, I never seen anything like it, as for your body, this is a poison that eats cells and keeps your immune system at pause so you never grow big and will remain in a small state!!!"

"WHAT!!! are the causes this pill?" My grandma handed over a pill which is the one we examined, she is shaking from anger

"Oh dear, is this the pill I examined at the seashore shop! I recognized the smell!!" He said with a smile and look of desperation

"Yes, what a coincidence, what do you think Klaus!"

"Yes, I would very much like to go!!"

"In the mountains-"

"Yes, in the mountains" that mountain everyone wants to go in just to look at the glowing herbs he legendary planted