Chapter 6- are you sure he's the young master


"An invitation!!" Doctor Hedley looked at me

"It's a magician hearing at the capital tower inside the church, they'll give work diploma to those who participate!!"

"R-Really!!!" His eyes sparkled and jumped up and down

"I also prepared a carriage and a house for you to stay in, they'll come pick you up soon!!" I said, I had all of these prepared for him, he always wanted it as he was always saying it day and night on how awesome the capital church is because of how massive it is and full of Astral mana that keeps magicians full

"Have a safe trip your majesty!!" We all froze on his words

"Majesty- are you out of your mind!!!!"

"You want the imperial family to cut off your head!!" Morgan said

"Oh yes, dear me! Hahaha!!"

He apologized and pat my shoulder, we proceeded to go inside the carriage after we bid our goodbye, he said he'll also visit soon for a check-up

I had to borrow Doc's clothes for a week, he even made me wash what I wore with my own hands, he said he's surprised I'm good at cleaning my clothes when I am a noble and a spoiled brat

Morgan looks so worried infront of me, he keeps pacing back and forth

"What's wrong Morgan?"

"I'm worried, what if they won't recognize you?" He said frowning

"It's alright, I have my own ways!!" Although I myself don't know what to do

We arrived after an hour trip, the horse was fast and strong, I liked the horse, maybe I'll take it since everyone says its a small bad horse spare for carrying object, he look well trained to pull such a magnificent carriage on his own, even if it is the lightest carriage

"Young master, were here?" I heard Gavin outside

"Hmm, send me to the door!!" I said, Morgan opened the gate, the guards has ignored my carriage and I'm sure the servants too...

The only people on the big door are the butlers and a few servants to welcome me back after gone for 3 weeks

I'm pretty sure it will be hard to recognize me since the boy they sent off three weeks ago was as small as a 9 years old kid with a height of 4 and half ft. And now it comes back 6 footer

"Where is the young master, we prepared his wheelchair!!" Says one of the head butler, I believe his name is Phil

"No need for that, my master can walk!!" Morgan said with a rather arrogant tone

I went out unannounced and jumped down like a new person

"Oh dear Duke Kronus!!" They all bowed their head to me in surprised that I had to back away from their action, most servants just don't bow when it comes to me, they just look at me like an ordinary boy living in a mansion, Gavin came next to me laughing

"Oh- I don't know you respect father so much!!"

"Well- your son is not here Duke!" Says Phil still putting his head to the ground, Morgan and I just looked at each other and played along their paranoia

"I'm off inside to eat lunch, I'm hungry!!"

"Yes Duke, we will prepare it for you shortly-"

It's so good to the feeling that they can only bow their head to me like a slave thinking that I am my father, has my voice deepen also

"Alright that's enough, look up!!" They all looked up and stared at me puzzled

"Duke- what happened to your eyes, they are not, B-Blue!!" Phil started, looking back and forth to me and the other servants

"Who's the only person with a yellow eyes in the Kronus House!!!" Their eyes were wide trying to process and scan me up and down with their eyes as Morgan explain the details

"Y-young master Klaus!!"


"But he's!!!"

"Lain- when did you come here?" Grandpa came down on the stairs with his pajama

"Hello grandpa!!!" I said, he froze just like the others and stared at me for a long time

"Black hair like my son but yellow eyes like my daughter in-law.....My Goodness!!! Klaus!!!"

"Yes Grandpa!!"

"No! Wait how did it happen!!"

"I told you I trust that doctor!!" I said, he laughed and came running to me with a hug

"But you different, you were small like an old man with grey hair and rusty eyes and now!!!" He hugged me, it's the first time ever to feel someone so surprised to see me, thanks to all their trust and patience in accepting who I was, even the ugliest side of me they forgive... I promise I'll protect them from dying from that accident, I won't let them be taken away from me just like in my past, life became a deeper hole to hell when they passed, I felt like I lost my remaining people when I heard them both gone and died in an accident

The mansion took fancy of me, all servants were aligned later that night for everyone to take a good look at me, I proved them I am Klaus by drawing my blood and dropping them on the family heirloom, a pure golden dust came out like a puff on the gold flower symbolizing I am a family related member and everyone was shocked that I was a different person in three weeks, I couldn't believe it either, but thanks to all the night howlers, they kept the speed of healing process going, now I know why night howlers cost a life back in my past... Not only that they glow they help you heal fast as long as you are near them

"Grandpa, I would like to train with the new knights this season, I want an experience!!" I said sitting down with my grandparents

"What about going back home and celebrate your little brother's 16th birthday?" Grandma said, I forgot about that! They might also announce Polly as the new heir cos I cannot do it

"I won't go!"

"Why not, I'm sure everyone will he surprised to see the Eldest looking like a spitting image of the Kronus heir!!" They both looked proud

"Maybe, but I prefer to stay with you guys so I can train, after all nobody would care and dad is at the other country to help handle the barbarians, I want to stay here till he comes home to his birthday!!" I said

"Very well- if that's what you desire!!" Grandma said toasting a wine!!"

"Perhaps we'll keep it all a secret and keep everyone from thinking you are sick to keep your step mother busy!!" Grandpa chuckled

"Yes, that would be a good idea!!" I said toasting with them


I'm so nervous going out, grandpa just called everyone including people whom I bullied, they're also knights who will train me, now what!

"Come out Klaus!!" I heard but I'm scared as fuck

"E-Erm, hello, I'm sure everyone knows me!!'

"Where's the peony, he your sibling?" Asked one of the Knight, he is about in his 30s and one of the people who threatened to slap me, I'm dead

"Oh- haha as you all know Klaus had an awakening and the brilliant doctor took him away?" Grandpa said to the crowd

"So what happened to him?" Sir Liam, one of the knight who keeps begging me to play elsewhere

"Here he is?" There was a moment of silence before I heard a laugh of all the men

"That kid was a 9 years old with old man's face!!"

"Please, just tell us he is one of your grandson!!"

They said as we stood in blank stares on them

"No doubt Harley who's this handsome young man, we thought he was your son but he's younger!!"

I've had enough of their blabber so I stepped out of my fear and spoke by myself

"It's really me Knights of Winslow, I was that little young master who loathes around, thus I am 17 and not 9, I was sick and poisoned that my bones didn't grow up and my skin so pale" everyone was silent keeping all their head on me

"I am sorry for all the trouble I caused for all of you, I was insecure and jelous of everybody, I was sick and was always kept inside-" I bowed my head and heard whispers from the knight

"And what would be your duty coming here unannounced!!"

"To become one of you, I wanted to come alone and apologized but grandpa came earlier!!" I said in desperation, I swallowed all my pride just to deliver that apologies and now I'm standing here all red looking like a little boy

"Will you be able to handle all the hardships of being a knight!!" I heard sir Liam said right infront of me who is sitting by the chopped wood

"Of course, the first step in training with a knight is having discipline as your woman!!"

A laugh laid upon the knights as they all seem to get my humor

"Great words boy, how about us who will guide you!!"

"I shall lower my head and stomp on my pride and let all what you say and teach to me be stored up inside my small brain!!"

"Hahaha! Ya lad is quite the nib, glad you're not a cunt to fuck!" A knight with a long curly beard said laughing while holding his big bold axe, I believe they call him Bobby

"Well then, we shall start whenever you're ready, come join us tonight, we will be butchering the meat Bobby hunted!"

I have learned before in my past life how to fit in, being a knight are like beast who plays with toys and those toys are their weapons to swing on the crowd, flow along with their humours to keep your mind sharp with words that bite and bite back with a better one that keeps the roll play going, it's up to you if you want to be a depressing stone they will keep on tossing around


"Are you really going?"

"Yes grandma, with Gavin?"

"Dressed like that?" She pointed on me wearing a thin plain T-shirt and a pants paired with a boots

"Do I look weird?"

"No, it makes me want to cry feeling like you're your father whom I walked down the isle and was taken away now the knights are taking you!!" She said sniffing!

"Grandma, it's just at the other side of this mansion!!" I hugged her and kissed her forehead, it's so weird to see people shorter than me, but it's great