Chapter 13- How is that possible?

"Where is he, didn't I sent my carriage!!" I heard his voice from the hall scowling at one of our servant, so he sent his carriage only to arrive as a common carriage arranged by Stepmother

"Father-" I spoke and walked near him

"There- oh dear what took you so long son!!"

"No carriage arrived father!!" His face looked at the servant who was looking at me like he's seen a ghost

"How did you come then?"


Dad's soldiers saw me and praised the suit I'm wearing, some are his friends who he is introducing me to

"My- is this your son didn't your wife say?"

"What nonsense did you hear, she's a bitch who knows nothing about being a parent!!" He said before storming towards the door man

"Announce us, we're going in!!" His brows crinkled looking all distressed, his general friends look stunned for a moment not knowing what to put their mind to, their eyes can't even leave my face

"Klaus, get behind me!!"

"Y-yes father!!" I looked like dad's shadow, dad is wearing a white suite with gold linen along with all his small pinned medals and the generals all wear navy blue with an outstanding pretty embroidered seal, I'm the only one wearing black

"Don't announce Klaus- I'll do it myself!!" Says dad that surprised me

"Yes your grace"

"All STAND!!....The Grand Duke has arrived!! Or shall shall we say the shield of Kalix!!!" There is an announcer outside pleasing the people, he's all good of a talk, he's the viscount's son who's interested in negotiation, he's actually a great speaker and will follow along his father's footsteps Viscount Righim

I could feel tention within me knowing I'll be facing people who hates me just behind this big black door

It opened.....the wind gushed right at us and doors creak to tell my brain that it's time to step forward, the light slowly painted people who are staring at us with desperation and shock holding their champagne, all looked elegant in their unique sense of fashion, from one colour to the other, the big wide room looked like it's filled with moving flowers

Dad stepped forward and all greeted him, we followed him down the steps, his friends coming closer but neither to disturb our walk, the smell rushed up my nose disturbing my hunger to seek some of my favorite delicacy that my toungue yearned ever since this morning, a chandelier that I use to stare at is hanging above my head 10 ft away from me, walls has carved flowers or frames from this family and the ceiling has lots of cherubim staring right down at us like a scattered stars

I felt eyes on me, sticking right at my new clothes in each of my moves, gossips are straining right beside my ears and I couldn't help but be bothered by it

I had to keep myself cool embracing a new life and face that is about to happen, my eyes landed on my siblings staring at dad then to me, their faces went on a puzzle as my stepmom try to seek a smile on her puzzled face while looking at my direction

Dad stopped infront of the last step of stairs and looked back at everyone.

Good evening people of Kalix!" The duke ignited and faced the audience with confidence, his eyes examined everyone in this room before proceeding to give a speech

"I'm grateful for everyone who attended my 41st birthday, it's actually tiring to have birthdays like this since I'm nearing my old age!!" Slight laugh appeared but it faded in a second, I was the attention of the crowd while being behind him

"It's a pleasant surprise to see a lot of people here and I'm happy to announce back the return of my son the successor of my title!!" Father looked back to me and stepped down to introduce me for the first time

I didn't move but kept a steady pace, people are being jumbled up and down like they saw a ghost.....

"Your grace, who is that?" Eva said

"Have you been this blind to even spot my eldest Evangeline, get a glasses you're getting old!!" The color of her face went pale from embarrassment and confusion, I guess nobody in this room recognize me,

Dad also seem mad and shows his anger through the crowd

"Dad!" He flinched

"Control yourself!!" I whispered

He sighed and smiled at me before looking back to the crowd, I don't know why he's angry but I'll find out later

"Well, aren't you gonna introduce us your son, is he a new bastard!!" One of my really good for nothing uncle said among the crowd, he's viscount Dorris who is a trader on one of the country border

"No brother, this is my Eldest Klaus Dmitri!!" The crowd is terrified upon hearing my name, my stepmom stepped back in daze examining me from head to toe

"W-what!!, how is that possible!!" She said coming up to us

"Hello mum!!" I said with dark face and cold tone, her face is pale looking at me head to toe, Polly behind her seem to be trying to digest my face inside his brain

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, what a night to return to, I am Klaus the sickly son, but I was cured by a country Doctor!!" I looked out among the people and saw a grinning Hedley holding cupcakes in his hands

"Who is this doctor, I saw you 2 years ago, you look like a monkey!!" I chuckled in the urge to laugh out loud or get down and stick Marcus's head on his ass

"Well, the doctor wants to keep a low profile and is very secretive about his life!!" I explained, others kept asking and led me to become an answering machine, they forgot about the old man who is now down to his friends talking to them

I was wrapped inside a bouquet of people taking a good look at me, not one of my siblings even came to greet me so I went to them instead after dealing with the people

They are all cooped up and Polly infront of them looked terrified, Corrine in the other hand is trying to look up and meet my eyes

I didn't speak when I approached them but rather examined them and be happy to see them all so small and I, so tall infront of them, in my past life I never grew this tall but kept a small appearance, at least at this age of Serene I was a little taller

"H-hello... B-Big Brother!!" Owen stuttered while the three crumble and hug each other, I want to smile at them but it keeps fading because of these two, I looked at Polly and Corrine who can't quit starring at me

"W-what!!" Polly said but Corrine elbowed him

"It's a pleasant to see you back big brother!!" Corrine said bowing a little and the little kids followed except for Polly who's keeping a bitter look at me, I stared at him to admire his little coat... He's got it from Kieya's shop, his brother's new design

"Greet him!!" I heard a whisper fron Corrine

"Well, uhhmmm good to-"

"No need, I've had enough people greeting me at least be casual I'm still your elder brother!" I said, a bitter face formed down on him

"Has these three eaten yet Corrine?" I asked

"Uhhmmm!!" Corrine looked at the three little one's who's starring at me

"I don't know!?-"

"Go feed them, Serene is Hungry!!" I commanded knowing they are starved and not allowed to eat by mum's order

"Mom did not allow us to eat, we should greet the guest big brother!!" Olivia spoke behind me

"Oh..... that is not your duty!! It is mine, Now go and eat!!!" My face was serious so they left at the table, have mother always told them this, they should be enjoying the party

I left to greet the guest who murdered me and my presence, they kept asking me about the doctor who cured me

"Hello Klaus, do you remember my daughter!!"

"No he does not!!"

How on earth did I ever knew these woman, I knew them all from the party who hated and looked down on me

"What do you think Klaus, the dance will start soon why not dance with her!!" A random guest said

"Hello Klaus my name is-"

"I'm not interested- have a good evening!!"

"He's arrogant!!"

"Dad introduce me?"

I got irritated from those guests, I never thought it'd be this irritable to even face them, all their intentions are power or to get in my pants, I hate how I can read thoughts, it's one of my common ability that Hedley has studied

"Klaus- son!!" Oh- that voice....Ha!