Chapter 15 Confrontation

The sun hung at the top of the sky, a golden platter, and the windless summer day was filled with only the sound of cicadas.

A little maid dressed in a brown short cloth garment, her hair styled into twin buns and looking adorable, supported another person as they alighted from the carriage.

The girl appeared to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, in the prime of youth, yet she was clad in a faded grey monk's robe, washed to the point of whiteness. The robe was oversized, which further accentuated her delicate and frail figure. Her long black hair was partially held up with a wooden hairpin, the rest casually draped behind her back, her waterfall-like hair contrasting with her red lips and white teeth. Her eyes resembled those of a doe in the woods—a reflection of pure kindness and exceptional beauty.

Around her wrist hung a string of wooden Buddha beads, and on her feet were the simplest grey cloth shoes. She held her hands together and looked down with demurely drooping eyelids, her long lashes casting shadows over her snow-white skin and black hair, momentarily taking one's breath away.

Just like a mayfly that lives for only a morning—beautiful and fragile, yet gentle and seemingly unaware of the world's cruelty. She was akin to a maiden under the goddess Guanyin, as innocent as a blank sheet of paper.

On a windless June day, the girl's descent from the carriage seemed to cool and comfort everyone around. Her features might not be as exquisite as Jiang Youyao's, but they possessed a natural elegance. Perhaps due to growing up in a secluded mountain temple, her spirit was pure and free from desires. She approached step by step, as clear and soothing as the evening breeze.

The little maid escorted the girl to the entrance of the Jiang Residence. There, the girl stopped and bowed slightly, her voice just as gentle and soft as her demeanor. She said, "Jiang Li has been unfilial, I greet my father and mother."

Upon her words, the people around seemed to awake from a trance, all staring at her blankly. Suddenly, someone exclaimed, "Miss Jiang the Second looks just like the Chief Minister!"

Jiang Li's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her lips formed a restrained smile, but her posture became even more submissive.

Jiang Yuanbai watched his daughter with a complicated expression. Not having seen Jiang Li for seven years, her transformation was so profound that he almost could not recognize this fiery-tempered girl as his own. He had always felt that Jiang Li's temperament was more like Ye Zhenzhen's—crude and unyielding, not knowing how to bow or compromise. Now, hearing the commoners' comments, Jiang Yuanbai suddenly realized that the grown-up Jiang Li, even in terms of appearance, resembled him more than Jiang Youyao.

Jiang Youyao inherited Ji Shuran's beauty, delicate as porcelain, whereas Jiang Li was like a pear tree grown in the deep mountains—solitary and pure, with a noble aura, much like the character of scholars.

Even if that character of scholars was but a disguise.

Perhaps the sudden reappearance of the daughter he had not seen in seven years stirred the familial bonds within Jiang Yuanbai, or maybe it was the resemblance Jiang Li bore to himself that drew him closer to her. In any case, Jiang Yuanbai's heart softened, and he reached out to support Jiang Li's bent waist, saying warmly, "It's good that you're back, go inside. Your grandmother and the others are waiting for you."

Once Jiang Yuanbai spoke, Ji Shuran's smile stiffened momentarily, then became more sincere as she also took Jiang Li's hand, smiling, "You have finally returned."

Jiang Youyao blinked and suddenly said, "Second sister, you return to the residence, yet you still wear the temple clothes? Didn't mother have Granny Sun make new clothes for you? Why wear such plain attire? To the uninformed, it would seem mother has mistreated you."

The surrounding quieted, and Ji Shuran rebuked, "Youyao, don't talk nonsense!" Then, turning her head, she patted Jiang Li's hand reassuringly, smiling, "Your sister speaks without thinking; don't take it to heart."

The people at the gate, who hadn't dispersed yet, stared at Jiang Li—all of Ji Shuran's apologetic consoling, Jiang Youyao's implicitly malicious glance, and Jiang Yuanbai's subtly changing expression—all were noticed by Jiang Li.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a grand performance, she thought. She had barely returned to Yanjing, not even crossed the threshold of her home, and was already subjected to this attempt to intimidate her. How should she respond? Jiang Li returned home with new clothes made, yet she chose to wear the nun's grey robe. What did that signify? Was it dissatisfaction with Ji Shuran that made her refuse to wear the clothes provided by Ji Shuran, or was it an intentional ploy to let the public believe she was mistreated by Minister Yuan's Residence? Either way, in Jiang Yuanbai's eyes, Jiang Li's actions signified disregard and resentment towards the Jiang Residence.

Jiang Li smiled faintly, her gaze even purer than Ji Shuran's. She replied, "Mother's kindness is well-received by Jiang Li. The clothes Granny Sun sent were made of fine silk, with intricate embroidery, and even adorned with jewels and Feicui, which delighted anyone at a glance."

Ji Shuran watched Jiang Li's smiling eyes, and for some reason, a sudden surge of unease washed over her. Her intuition screamed to stop Jiang Li from speaking further, but before she could say anything, Jiang Youyao interjected: "If that's the case, why don't you wear them?"

"It must be because Lili is accustomed to plain clothes and simple food, and temporarily can't adjust," Ji Shuran quickly interjected, intuitively feeling that she couldn't let Jiang Li speak and preemptively cut her off.

Jiang Li shook her head: "Why would that be? After all, Jiang Li is a woman, and which woman does not love fine clothes? It's just…" She shook her head with regret, "After all, it's been seven years since Jiang Li has returned to the residence to see mother, and there has been very little correspondence in seven years. Mother doesn't know Jiang Li's size, and those fine clothes she made, not a single one fits."

Not a single one fits!

The surrounding crowd buzzed with shock at Jiang Li's words. Seven years without returning to the residence was one thing, but to barely write during those seven years—could it be not barely, but not at all? Otherwise, how could a mother not know her daughter's size when making clothes? It's because for seven years, she didn't know Jiang Li's whereabouts, nor how tall she had grown?

How cruel, indeed! No matter the mistake, that's still her own flesh and blood!

Whispers among the onlookers fell upon Jiang Yuanbai. His mind turned dark with foreboding, yet his expression remained unchanged. Ji Shuran knew Jiang Yuanbai was unhappy. In a panicked rush, she looked towards Granny Sun. How could such a grave matter not have been mentioned by Granny Sun on the way back? Otherwise, with her lifetime of shrewdness, how could she let a little girl like Jiang Li occupy the high ground?

Granny Sun was also deeply regretting. She had offered those clothes to Jiang Li before, but Jiang Li didn't wear them. When Granny Sun asked why, Jiang Li simply stated she didn't like to wear them. Granny Sun had not insisted, thinking Jiang Li was being petulant and even felt it was better for her to be so, as it would be a handle for Ji Shuran upon their return to the residence, meaning Jiang Li would suffer a hidden loss.

At that time, Jiang Li only mentioned she didn't like to wear the clothes, not that they didn't fit. Granny Sun, reflecting on Jiang Li's past behavior, came to a realization—Jiang Li had set a trap from the start, just waiting for the lady and Miss Jiang the Third to jump in!

Jiang Li couldn't help but smirk inwardly. She hadn't intentionally dug a trap for anyone; it just happened that way. It was also a test—to see if Miss Jiang the Third and Ji Shuran were as cunning as they seemed, they would naturally clash with her. If they were honest, then all would be well. Little did she expect to instantly know everyone's true nature upon her return; Ji Shuran was not as kind and gentle as she appeared, and Miss Jiang the Third held quite a bit of hostility toward her.

As for this so-called father, Jiang Li was not his biological daughter, so she had no expectations regarding his actions. Otherwise, if this had happened to the real Miss Jiang the Second, she would have probably become disillusioned long ago.

Enough, this Jiang Family is one of Yanjing City's top official families, a grand household that inevitably cannot escape turmoil. Since that is the case, she would just have to meet force with force, water with earth.

But the Jiang Li of today is neither the Miss Jiang the Second, who fell into the water due to inferior skills and amnesia, nor the deceased Xue Fangfei, who suffered passively. The Jiang Li of today fears nothing.

If you harm me, how do you know I can't harm you?

Jiang Li smiled at Ji Shuran and said, "Although mother's clothes are not quite fitting, they are still made with heartfelt sincerity, which Jiang Li dares not forget. However, having lived in the temple for seven years, Jiang Li knows not to be wasteful. Since the clothes are made, it's inappropriate for me to keep them if they don't fit." Then, she suddenly turned to Jiang Youyao.

Ji Shuran's heart skipped a beat as she heard Jiang Li speak with a smile: "I see the Third Sister fits the size of mother's clothes just right. Why don't we send all of the clothes mother made to the Third Sister? Now that I think about it, those styles and colors will look exceptionally beautiful on the Third Sister, suitably matching her."

Ji Shuran's complexion turned pale.

The last straw that breaks the camel's back! Starting from tomorrow, Yanjing City will surely be awash with rumors about how the new lady of the Jiang Family treats her stepdaughter and own daughter differently. The difference in affection is clear at a glance, and just as Jiang Li returned to the residence, she shattered the good name that Ji Shuran had meticulously cultivated for many years!

What a Miss Jiang the Second!