Chapter 2 The Distinguished Personage with a License Plate Full of Eights

She lifted her foot to step into Beauty Village, a dark Maybach, coming from who knows where, whizzed by in front of her, causing Yao Qing to hastily retreat several steps.

Ruan Qiu quickly stepped forward to support her, her expression changing drastically, "Are you okay? Did it hit you?!"

Yao Qing frowned and shook her head.

She hadn't been hit, but...

She looked at the muddy water splashed on the hem of her skirt, feeling helpless.

"Damn, are the people of Yaocheng this arrogant?" Ruan Qiu also noticed the marks on her skirt, "No way, I borrowed this skirt, goddamn it, I'm going to demand compensation from that person!"

Yao Qing silently pressed down on her shoulder.

"Forget it, I saw his license plate, all eights."

Ruan Qiu's expression stiffened.

"Which big shot, from the underworld or otherwise, can be so bold..."

Yao Qing didn't say anything more and dragged her skirt as she entered Beauty Village.

In fact, she had caught a glimpse of the person inside the car.

The man was sitting in the driver's seat, pinching a cigarette between his fingers, with the smoke obscuring his chiseled profile. She could only catch a glimpse of those pitch-black eyes.

Mysterious and dangerous, with aggressive power.

What's important is that they seemed very familiar to her.

It was as if those eyes had once gazed at her seriously and fervently.

This was not Yao Qing's first visit to Beauty Village.

She had been there four years prior, when Beauty Village wasn't as opulent, yet still a gathering place for the upper echelons.

Following the route she remembered, she found Director Wang's box, number 0420.

Upon pushing open the box door, the scene inside made Yao Qing freeze momentarily.

The dim lighting threw the room into soft relief, and on the dark brown sofa, men and women were scattered haphazardly.

The man in the center exuded an aura of authority as he sat; his nonchalance was heightened by his well-proportioned figure. His legs sprawled open, with his tousled hair falling over his calm and collected eyes and brows.

Noble yet dangerous.

At that moment, sitting on his thigh was a—

Busty beauty.

It seemed like they were flirting, and her accidental intrusion made the atmosphere drop into an awkward silence.

Yao Qing hesitated for only a moment before hastily saying, "Sorry, I've entered the wrong room."

She turned and shut the door in one fluid motion.

This was definitely not Director Wang's party.

Yao Qing walked quickly, not giving the people inside a chance to call her back. Before leaving, she glanced at the room number, 0402, not 0420.

The pounding of her heart by her ear was just like the feeling of waking up from a nightmare the night before.

Even though it was only a brief few seconds, Yao Qing had seen the man's face clearly.

That face...

Her mood was somewhat chaotic, sinking into layers of thought.

Unexpectedly, someone grabbed her arm.

She instinctively pulled her arm back, but the person held on tighter.

"Miss Yao, Director Wang has been waiting for you for a long time, why are you wandering around here? Lost?"

It was a middle-aged man's voice, frivolous in nature.

Yao Qing's senses sharpened, and she looked at the hand clutching her arm, a chill hiding in her eyes.

She stepped back unassumingly and, in the process, broke free from the middle-aged man's grasp.

"It's my first time at Beauty Village, and I got lost by accident, sorry." Her lips curled into a faint smile as she spoke, her slender eyes focused intently on the man before her.

The middle-aged man felt a tingle run through him under her gaze.

Considering himself a ladies' man, exposed to all sorts of beauties in the entertainment industry, Yao Qing still managed to dazzle him.

He'd rarely encountered such an innocently seductive woman, one that made him itch with a desire to ravage.

"Miss Yao only recently returned to the country... It's understandable for you not to find your box. I'll take you there," the man's face creased into a smile, "Oh yes, I'm a producer from the directorial team, my name is Zhang."