Chapter 11 President Yu's Eyesight Isn't Very Good

"Yanshen's eyesight seems to be poor," someone came to pick her up, and she was still getting cold in the freezing weather?

Yao Qing looked at the man in the driver's seat; his gaze was fixed on the road ahead, so she could stare at his profile unabashedly, sizing him up without any pretense.

Four years had passed. Time was the best craftsman, meticulously transforming the green and rebellious youth into a silent, dangerous, and haughty business magnate.

But so what? Even if he became the most powerful god, it wouldn't change the fact that he was a scumbag by nature.

Her words shifted Yanshen's gaze from the road in front of him, heavily settling on her eyes.

"It seems you've done well for yourself these past four years, becoming quite fierce," he commented.

As if exchanging pleasantries with an old friend, Yao Qing calmly replied, "You've done well for yourself too, Yanshen, being able to drive a Maybach now."

"Driving a Maybach counts as doing well?" Yanshen suddenly asked in return, raising his eyebrows at her, the slight curve of his lips carrying a mocking tone.

"What else?" Yao Qing raised an eyebrow, "Does being fierce count as doing well?"

As her words fell, the frigid air seemed to solidify with added tension, as if ready to explode.

Yanshen narrowed his eyes almost imperceptibly, his gaze on Yao Qing filled with a probing intent.

After a moment, he twirled the silver lighter in his hand and with a flick, lit up a cigarette.

Among the swirling smoke, the man's expression became less distinct.

"Where to? I'll give you a ride," he offered in a low, raspy voice that sounded particularly cold in this freezing weather.

Seeing his ex-girlfriend standing on the roadside in the middle of the night, it made sense for a man of high society to offer her a ride, maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor.

Unfortunately, Yao Qing didn't want to get into his car.

Looking at the man now, she did not feel any extreme aversion to his handsome exterior. But she had no affection either, and even felt a repulsion to his approach.

"No need, I'll just wait here for a ride," she said in a remote and indifferent voice, with a hint of ethereality.

Yanshen watched her with an unemotional gaze, "There are no buses or taxis in the area around Beauty Village. If you wait here, you'll only encounter lecherous nouveaux riches who want to take you home. Of course, you could order a ride online, but there have been quite a few girls harmed by ride-share drivers recently."

Even though he seemed to be stating facts calmly, there was an undertone of threat.

Yao Qing fell silent for two seconds, as if pondering Yanshen's words.

However, two seconds later, what she said caused a momentary pause in his smoking.

"Is that so?" Yao Qing moved her body, stiff from standing, straightened her spine, and looked at Yanshen with calm eyes, her lips parting and closing as she spoke, "I'm truly terrified, really, but I still don't plan to get in your car."

Who was he threatening? Was she supposed to be scared of his threats?

Had she practiced self-defense techniques overseas for nothing, or did he still think she was the naive girl from four years ago who only knew how to hide behind him?


The danger in the air seemed to be swelling and bursting. Yanshen extinguished his cigarette; as the smoke cleared, his gaze landed starkly on Yao Qing.

The Yao Family was bankrupt, and she had lost her most solid backing. But it seemed this hadn't scrubbed away her shining qualities.

As the former miss of the Yao Family, pride was etched into her bones. Even in destitution, she remained peerlessly independent.

It's just that she was too strong, appearing as if she had the backing of thousands behind her when she was alone.

In his eyes, she seemed stubbornly pitiful. Clearly unable to compete with him, yet still struggling.

"If I block off this section of the road, and prevent any car from entering, you'll have to walk home in your high heels step by step," Yanshen stated, his threatening tone now blatantly laid on the table, "Yao Qing, just don't regret it."