Chapter 13 Really Annoying.

"What do you want me to check on this guy in the middle of the night for?" Fu Moyi couldn't figure it out. Yu Yanshen rarely used this tone when asking him to dig up someone's past, obviously, this Feng Ye character seemed dangerous to him.

Yu Yanshen leaned back, from his angle he could just make out the dim flickering stars in the sky.

It was just like the sparkle in Yao Qing's eyes when she saw that man.

With a disdainful snort, Yu Yanshen withdrew his gaze and spoke into the phone with a hint of coldness, "I was supposed to take Yao Qing home, but we got intercepted on the way, get it?"

"Was it this Feng Ye who stopped you?" In Yaocheng, who didn't know that Yu Yanshen was not to be messed with? Where did this Feng Ye kid come from!

Anger flaring up, Fu Moyi was ready to look into Feng Ye's background and teach the kid a lesson, but then a sudden realization flashed through his mind, and his movements halted.

"Hold on! What do you mean you were going to take Yao Qing home???"

"Don't fucking tell me you want to reconcile with her!!"

"You still have feelings for Yao Qing? She left with another man holding hands and boarded a plane four years ago! Are you a cuckold who wants to be cuckolded again!?"

Fu Moyi had always regarded Yu Yanshen as a close kin, and seeing his brother about to fall into a trap again, he couldn't contain his emotions, unleashing a barrage of fury over the phone.

Yu Yanshen simply listened to the roaring on the other end, his gaze detached as he looked at the stretch of road ahead, his face devoid of emotion.

He waited until Fu Moyi's emotions had somewhat settled before he finally spoke calmly.

"The Yao Family went bankrupt; she couldn't accept the reality of going from a wealthy heiress to an ordinary person and sought a better life. There's nothing wrong with opting for advantages after weighing the pros and cons - it's human nature," he said.

"Besides, at that time, I really couldn't give her anything better, I couldn't even protect her. It was my incompetence, her choice of someone else was not wrong."

A man without money or power is incompetent, it's not the woman's fault - that's how Yu Yanshen saw it.

But now things are different; he has power, he has money, no one in Yaocheng can shake him.

He intended to take Yao Qing home, but some strange man beat him to it, and it irritated him—

Hearing Yu Yanshen's words, Fu Moyi almost burst into laughter from anger.

The Yao Family's bankruptcy was no excuse for Yao Qing's betrayal of Yu Yanshen and running off with another man abroad!

"She's nothing but a fickle, cheap—" The insult was barely out when he was interrupted by the man on the line.

"Fu Moyi," Yu Yanshen called his name calmly, yet it conveyed a threat and a boundary only the two brothers could understand.

Fu Moyi fell silent.

After a while, he spoke up again.

"You're such a fucking idiot!"

Yu Yanshen hung up the phone directly.

He had tolerated his outbursts time and again, but that didn't mean he would allow him to overstep his boundaries.

He wouldn't permit it.

A surge of emotions scorched through his chest; Yu Yanshen suddenly felt a feeling he hadn't experienced in years.

The image of Yao Qing putting on Feng Ye's jacket and looking up at him replayed in his mind—

It was really infuriating.

The entrance of MK Business Hotel.

The Hummer's size was imposing; as soon as Yao Qing stepped out, she attracted the glances of the passersby.

But she didn't care, nor did Feng Ye.

"I've troubled senior brother at this late hour," Yao Qing said as she got out of the vehicle, thanking Feng Ye.

She had met Feng Ye while studying abroad; her major was in the director's program, and Feng Ye was her senior, while Ruan Qiu was her classmate.

After returning to the country, she heard that Feng Ye seemed to have come back as well.