Chapter 63: Coming to the Company

Yanshen's company, KR Group, sat in the very heart of the city's business district, its towering structure reaching into the clouds, making the tallest and most majestic building visible from afar.

Yao Qing felt as if she were in a different world.

It was as if that young, naive boy was still whispering by her ear, telling her she'd always be his dearest little girl.

But in reality, she had no connection to him whatsoever. He was President Yu, that icy and untouchable man.

Yao Qing stood at the entrance of KR Group, surprisingly calm and composed, walking in expressionless.

"Hello, how may I assist you?" The receptionist smiled warmly, her eyes, however, discreetly sizing up Yao Qing.

Yao Qing fiddled with her hair by her ear. "I'm looking for your President Yu."

The receptionist's expression didn't change. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Does a message from him count?"