Chapter 99 Drinking, Eating, Sleeping, Watching the Moon

"Yu Yanshen?"

Yao Qing clearly caught the key word in Ruan Qiu's statement.

"He brought me medicine?"

She had been so disgusted with him, and according to his personality, he should have at least stayed cold for four or five days before speaking to her again. Could he really swallow his pride and bring her medicine?

Ruan Qiu nodded, her expression unchanged, "Yes, he even wrote down the taboos and how to take it. He's quite meticulous."

Yao Qing's gaze fell on the bag full of medicine, and after a moment of silence, she took out her phone, finding no messages from Yu Yanshen.

Playing the role of a good Samaritan, acting as an anonymous hero—President Yu was at the forefront.

She silently poured water, took her medicine, the warm water washing away the fatigue inside her body, as if it cleaned off all the hardships she had faced.

"Qingqing, President Yu actually seems to care quite a bit about you." Ruan Qiu was driving, her attention partly on Yao Qing.