001, Ye Jiuliang, I'm going to kill you (please subscribe)

March, the light rain is like silk and mist.

It seems the tail end of a cold snap lingers still.

In the deserted outskirts, a black villa stands out like a crane among chickens, the dark glass, the black exterior walls…

Everything about it screams shadowy and sinister.


The panicked scream shatters the dawn's silence.

"Ye Jiuliang, I'm going to kill you."

The door to the right room on the second floor is violently burst open.


The tall figure of a man charges out, heading straight for the downstairs.

"Ye Jiuliang, come out and die!"

In another corner of the villa

The rectangular dining table is laden with a delicate breakfast.

Spookily, in the vast dining room there's only one girl.

Hearing the cry from upstairs, the girl's lips, red as blood, curve into a faint smile.

She closes the newspaper, setting it aside, her enchanting face revealed in the refracted light of the crystal lamp.

Eyebrows like new moons, lips red as blood, and especially those shimmering eyes, even the corners are filled with a chilling light.

She picks up the black coffee from the table and takes a sip, calculating how many seconds it will take for the man to storm over.

One second…

Two seconds…

Three seconds…

The aura of murderous rage gets closer.




His voice is filled with gritted teeth as he calls out her name, the girl lifts her eyes, her clear pupils blinking innocently.

"Qianqian, want some coffee?"

Her soft and glutinous voice alone is enough to melt hearts.

The man, who had rushed over in a flurry, is fair-skinned with a loosely fitting ice-purple silk robe, barely concealing his well-defined chest.

At this moment, his handsome face is frosted over, his dark eyes fixed on the girl's deceivingly sweet face, grinding his pearly white teeth fiercely.

To hell with Qianqian.

To hell with coffee…

All I want is to punch her right now.

"Ye Jiuliang, do you have any idea I didn't get back until three in the morning yesterday?" he asks, holding back his raging primal energies, word by word.

Ye Jiuliang, "I know."

"Then what did you do to my bed?" In his agitation, droplets of water from his freshly washed hair fly out.

"To be exact, what did you do to my pillow?"

Ye Jiuliang protects her cup with her hand to prevent her coffee from becoming collateral damage.

Then, lifting her head, she speaks very slowly, "Yesterday, when all of you were out, I stayed in the storage room for a while, and I saw that magical glue you bought last time; I just wanted to see how magical it was."

She pauses, taking a sip of her coffee, and continues, "I originally wanted to discuss it with you, but you were sleeping so soundly, so I took it as your consent, and I didn't pour much."

As she speaks, she even makes a scissor gesture, "Just two bottles."


Ji Ruqian's teeth grind together.

That magical glue's effect is several times stronger than regular super glue, almost certainly removing a layer of skin on contact and requiring a special chemical solvent to dissolve.

Just a little could be lethal, and this wretch tossed in two bottles.

Lucky for him, when he purchased the magical glue, he had also fortuitously acquired several bottles of the special solvent; otherwise, his flowing, short hair would be doomed.

"Ye Jiuliang, are you planning to offer me incense at Qingming Festival?" What does he mean by sleeping too soundly? Clearly, it was her dirty work.

The girl tilts her lips, "That might be difficult, I estimate I'll be back in China for Qingming, so I probably won't have the time to offer you incense."


The snicker interrupts unexpectedly.

A petite figure emerges from behind the wine cabinet.

Wine-red, long curly hair, brown eyes, white teeth, and perfectly delicate doll-like features full of spirit, one might assume she's underage without knowing her age.

Gu Xinuo, dressed in black from head to toe, her hair slightly wet, looks like she has just returned from outside, travel-weary.

"I didn't expect to see such a good show the moment I got back, what's happening?" Gu Xinuo walks over, winks at Ye Jiuliang, and sits down directly in the pulled-out chair.

Ye Jiuliang asks, "Nuonuo, want some coffee?"

"Little Liangliang, whenever you smile like that, there's trouble brewing; I'm afraid that coffee is beyond my fortune to enjoy," Gu Xinuo teases with a smile, eyeing the cup pushed toward her.

They chat animatedly, completely forgetting about Ji Mingqian beside them.

Right as he is about to burst with anger again, Ye Jiuliang leisurely takes out a small cyan porcelain bottle from her pocket and tosses it to him.


"What's this?" Ji Mingqian reflexively catches it, looking at her with puzzled eyes.

She says, "The new product I mentioned a few days ago."

On hearing that, Ji Mingqian's eyes light up, and he quickly stashes the little porcelain bottle in his pocket.