Master Jiu's iron-like fist

When it comes to the capital, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind are the two giant heads.

Divided in the middle, Li Family to the north, Ye Family to the south.

In terms of power, Li Family definitely stands alone at the top, but when it comes to wealth, Ye Family still has the upper hand.

As a matter of fact, the existence of the Ye Family predates that of the Li Family. The Ye Family has been involved in business for generations, and in terms of both connections and financial strength, they are second to none.

Especially Ye Family's elder, Ye Rong, who has spent his life galloping through the business world, creating countless tales of success. Even though he has now gradually withdrawn from the scene, who in the capital doesn't have to give him three points of respect upon meeting him?

However, in front of Ye Jiuliang, all authority and dominance amount to nothing but nonsense.

"Aren, didn't you say the person has already appeared at the airport? Why haven't they returned yet?" The old man sipped his tea lightly, his brows furrowed in a knot.

The middle-aged man who had been addressed as Aren, the Ye Family's butler, wore a grey Tang suit and had a crew cut that made him look energetic.

"Master, don't be anxious, they should be arriving soon," Aren said soothingly.

"With so many descendants in the Ye Family, not one is as wild as her. She really gives me a headache," Ye Rong put down his teacup, his voice suddenly becoming heavier.

Although he was scolding, there was an undeniable indulgence in his tone.

Aren kept silent, knowing that at this moment, he just needed to be a listener.

Having been by the elder's side for many years, he was well aware that, deep down, the elder had an extra bit of favoritism towards Miss Jiuliang.


In the car

Xue Wu sat in the driver's seat, his expression conflicted.

He looked up at the rear-view mirror. The girl in the backseat still had her hat covering her face and showed no sign of waking up.

Hearing that Mr. Jiuliang had a terrible temper upon waking up, he wondered if waking her would lead to a gruesome death.

Glancing at the time on his phone, he steeled his resolve and tentatively called out, "Mr. Jiuliang, we've arrived."

One minute passed…

Two minutes passed…

Three minutes passed…

Just as Xue Wu was about to speak again, the girl finally moved.

She slowly straightened up, removing the hat that covered her face, her voice cold as she spoke, "Tell your boss Qian, he doesn't need to arrange a driver for me anymore. Send that silver car of his over to me as payment for the mahjong debt."

"Yes," Xue Wu replied, stunned for a moment before nodding vigorously like a pecking chicken.

Inwardly, he marveled at the fact that his boss Qian had lost at mahjong to Mr. Jiuliang.

Mr. Jiuliang is truly formidable.

The car didn't stop at the entrance to the Ye Mansion; Ye Jiuliang had to walk for a few more minutes.

The Ye Family villa, located in the suburbs, covered a vast area, winding through nine twists and eighteen turns, nearly indistinguishable from a small imperial palace.

It was a testament to their substantial wealth.

"Who are you?"

The guard at the gate surveyed the young girl with a suspicious gaze, his stern face looking fierce and intimidating.

Being stopped at her own doorway didn't seem to affect Ye Jiuliang much.

After all, this place was just a temporary residence to her.

Her red lips parted slightly, "Ye Jiuliang."

The guards lined up at the gate looked at each other, feeling the name rang a bell but suddenly couldn't recall why.

However, since she had the Ye surname, it seemed wise to go and report it.

"Keep an eye on her," instructed the lead guard before he stepped aside with his phone to report to the butler.

After a day of hustling, Ye Jiuliang was extremely tired.

Leaning against the big round pillar at the entrance, her eyebrows and eyes slightly cold, she felt somewhat irritable.

She didn't wait for the butler to come, instead, trouble found her first.

"Ye Jiuliang?" the man's voice sounded uncertain.

There was also a hint of disdain in it.

Under the sunlight, the young girl lifted her head. Her dark, crystal-like pupils held a chill as the man and woman who alighted from the car saw her bewitching face. They were initially startled, and then scorn appeared in their eyes.

It really was Ye Jiuliang, the waste.

She dares to come back.

The man who had just spoken was dressed in an expensive shirt and trousers, his features fairly handsome, wrapped in an air typical of a wastrel heir.

This was Ye Miao—Ye Jiuliang's aunt's son.

He slammed the car door shut and swaggered over to Ye Jiuliang with exaggerated importance.

"The sun must have risen from the west today, Ye Jiuliang, you've still got the face to come back?" His words were sharp, filled with scorn.

For the Ye Family, Ye Jiuliang's existence was a disgrace.

At least, that was how he saw it.

"Amiao, don't talk so nastily. Jiuliang is rarely back, and no matter what, she is still a member of the Ye Family," the woman following beside Ye Miao scolded him, but her gaze toward Ye Jiuliang was hardly devoid of contempt.

This person was Ye Jiuliang's elder uncle's youngest daughter—Ye Xin.

Ye Miao snorted, "What rare return? If you ask me, if she had any shame, she wouldn't have come back at all. Not knowing how to behave herself in Country Y, always doing things that bring disgrace..." His words grew increasingly unbridled and spiteful.

"Have you said enough?"

A cold voice, impatiently interrupting him.

Ye Miao was taken aback, and before he could react, a fierce punch was heading straight for him.

Its speed was ghostly fast.


Like iron, the fist smashed into his face, and Ye Miao screamed in agony.

Clutching his right cheek, distorted in pain, he spat out a mixture of blood and two teeth that had been knocked out, splattering on the ground.

Ye Jiuliang shook her hand calmly and uttered two words in a cold voice, "Noisy."

At last, peace descended upon her ears.

Now that was more comfortable.

"Amiao, are you alright?" Ye Xin, seeing the bloody mess on the ground, was visibly frightened, her look toward Ye Jiuliang tinged with fright.

Having lost two teeth and been scolded as noisy, Ye Miao's eyes were bloodshot with anger, and he clenched his fists, ready to brawl with Ye Jiuliang.

"Young Master Miao, you mustn't do this."

Upon receiving a call from the guards, Aren hurried out, and from a distance, he was shocked to see Ye Jiuliang had hit Ye Miao, nearly stumbling as a result.

Aren was a confidant of Ye Rong's, and to consider him a close associate would not be an exaggeration.

The younger generation of the Ye Family usually gave him a lot of respect, and Ye Miao was no exception. Seeing Aren, he had to suppress his anger and stand down.

"Uncle Aren, you saw it with your own eyes just now, Ye Jiuliang hit me, just look at this," he said, pointing to the blood and teeth on the ground as proof.

Aren's gaze flickered slightly, and when he turned to look at Ye Jiuliang, he unintentionally met her cool gaze.

His breath caught, and Aren averted his gaze awkwardly.

He was inwardly startled, realizing that compared to five years ago, Miss Jiuliang seemed even more unfathomable.

"Miss Jiuliang, when did you arrive? You should have told me so I could have arranged for someone to pick you up," he said.

"When I arrive? You've known all this time, haven't you?" Ye Jiuliang retorted with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

From the moment she had set foot in the airport of the capital city, the old master must have had plenty of people watching her.

Aren's face stiffened, and he laughed dryly, "Miss Jiuliang, the old master is already waiting for you in the study."

"Uncle Aren, she hit me like this, are you saying you didn't see it?" Seeing Aren ignore the fact that he had been hit, Ye Miao exploded with anger.

Ye Xin chimed in, "Uncle Aren, Jiuliang was indeed in the wrong on this matter."

Ye Jiuliang's eyes were indifferent, too lazy to listen to Ye Miao's nonsensical babbling, and she walked past them toward the inside.

This time, nobody dared stop her again.

Watching the figure of the young girl disappear into the distance, the guards' faces showed a hint of amusement.

So this was the precious daughter of the Ye Family's second master, Ye Jiuliang, no wonder her name had sounded familiar.

Despite looking as delicate as a doll, she struck with surprising ferocity.

It was indeed an eye-opener.

It seemed they would have to keep their distance from Miss Jiuliang in the future.