014, Li Wuye: Shut up, apologize.

"He was so bored he started picking a fight, and didn't heed my advice to leave," the soft, glutinous voice starkly contrasted with the frigid tone from just before.

If Ji Mingqian and the others were here, seeing Ye Jiuliang with that expression, they would immediately run off without a trace, because whenever Ye Jiuliang planned to play hooligan, this was her look of feigning innocence like a pig pretending to eat a tiger.

The people around looked at Ye Jiuliang's sudden change with odd expressions.

Even Ye Miao wore a face as if he'd seen a ghost.

Unconsciously, Li Mochan's voice softened a bit, "And then?"

"He started it," Ye Jiuliang stepped forward, bending down in front of everyone's astonished gazes, resting her hands on the car window.

"Would this count as self-defense then, Li Wuye?"

At such a close distance, the girl's clear eyes reflected his face, her rosy lips curbed into a smile.

She stared straight at him, not showing the slightest fear unlike everyone else.