033, I didn't say I was going to go.

"Mom, I heard from Jingxuan that the Li Fifth Master's birthday banquet is going to be a grand affair this time, and they have already sent out invitations to all the prominent families in the capital," Ye Xin asked curiously.

Xiang Zhen said, "I heard that it was the Li family patriarch who requested to organize it. Early this morning, people from the Li family brought the invitations, saying that they want all of us from the Ye family to attend."

"The whole family?" Ye Xin's face showed a hint of bemusement, "Then, will that wretched girl Ye Jiuliang also be going?"

"Xinxin, mind your language in public," Xiang Zhen lightly rebuked her, though her gentle tone carried little real reproach.

In this house, after all, what the patriarch says goes, and he's so partial to that disaster-bringing star, Ye Jiuliang. If he heard what she said, Xinxin would inevitably be scolded.