045, are you implying someone is dumb?

Following Jiang Yisheng's gaze, a soft light shone on the beautiful face of the young girl with her back against the light, revealing a certain hazy beauty.

Unlike the others' glamorous gowns, the girl wore simple everyday clothes, yet they did nothing to hide her naturally rebellious attitude.

Having just witnessed Ye Jiuliang's arrogance, Su Yishan felt a sense of crisis bubble up within her as she watched the girl draw closer.

She cautiously looked at the man opposite her, filled with both fear and trepidation.

After all these years, she had never seen him be so close to a woman in public, and she had a premonition that this woman named Ye Jiuliang would become her greatest enemy.

Ye Jiuliang stepped onto the terrace and, upon seeing someone she didn't recognize, glanced indifferently before turning her head to look at Li Mochan.

"It's getting late, I should leave," she said.

Li Mochan walked over to her, "I'll take you."