047, Fifth Master: Is this all I'm worth? (three watches into the night)

Li Mochan's brows relaxed, he gave her a slight glance with profound eyes, "Do you remember that you still owe me a meal?"

The sudden change in topic caught Ye Jiuliang off guard.

The startled expression in her eyes told Li Mochan that she had indeed forgotten about it.

His mood instantly plummeted to rock bottom, his tone tinged with a hint of sourness, "If you don't remember, then forget it, just go on copying your family rules."

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten." Action preceding thought, Wen Liang's hand grasped his sleeve tightly, creating slight wrinkles on the smooth fabric.

"How could I forget such an important matter as inviting Master Li for a meal, why not strike while the iron is hot, I'll treat you to a meal right now."

Being alone here was too boring, and chatting with him was quite entertaining.

Li Mochan reminded her pointedly, "Aren't you grounded?"


Ye Jiuliang was at a loss for words.