064, Don't you want me to go? (First update)

Watching the car disappear, Xiao Lingchen turned and returned to the bar.

Coming here tonight was worth it.

He'd not only caught someone but also ran into an "old friend."

After finishing his drink, Ye Jiuliang ordered another.

Her clear, jade-like face shone pale and bright in the dim light, a cool, thin smile playing on her luscious lips.

As Xiao Lingchen approached, this scene came into his view.

He ordered the same drink as Ye Jiuliang and walked over to her with the glass in hand.

"What a coincidence, Miss Ye, we meet again."

Engrossed in watching the girls dance, Ye Jiuliang, upon hearing that voice, turns and cast a glance, her left eyebrow slightly raising.

It took her a few seconds to remember who he was.

Uh, it's that idiotic Xiao heir.

Xiao Lingchen let Ye Jiuliang size him up, but if he knew what she was thinking, he probably wouldn't be able to keep smiling.

"May I sit here?" he asked, pointing at the chair beside her.