066, Old Lady Jiang arrived (third watch)

Whenever motorcycles were mentioned, Ye Jiuliang's eyes lit up, "Alright, then if you win, I'll... I..."

"Treat me to dinner tomorrow night," Li Mochan interrupted her.

Ye Jiuliang was surprised, "That's it?"

A limited edition motorcycle versus a meal, no matter how you looked at it, he was getting the short end of the stick.

What was he thinking?

Li Mochan hummed indifferently.

Ye Jiuliang readily agreed, "Done, it's a deal." She was absolutely not going to lose to him a second time, she had to reclaim her pride.

With doors and windows wide open, cool breezes whisked through.

The living room soon filled with the sounds of the game's voice acting, engrossing Ye Jiuliang to the point she didn't notice the person beside her stealthily inching closer.

As they moved, their shoulders would occasionally touch.


Wei Bei rushed in, his words coming to an abrupt halt as his eyes landed on the two playing games on the carpet.
