Do you think you deserve it?

Abiao hung his head low, his hands trembling slightly by his side.

"Speak, who instructed you to do those things?" Old Master Ye demanded in a stern voice.

Abiao lifted his head, his eyes filled with panic as he looked towards Ye Miao, stuttering, "It was Young Master Miao, Young Master Miao said he just wanted to scare Miss Jiuliang."

"You're talking nonsense." Ye Miao's eyes burned red as he rushed forward, swinging a fist towards him, "I didn't, why are you framing me."

Abiao didn't dare to fight back, took a punch, and blood immediately started seeping from the corner of his mouth.

"Enough," Old Master Ye interjected.

Ye Miao's raised fist froze mid-air as Aren quickly stepped in, pulling his hand away and rescuing Abiao from his clutches.

Ye Yu glanced at Old Master Ye, and then quickly, her gaze shifted to Ye Jiuliang, knowing that after causing such a ruckus, the old master would certainly not let Amiao off easily, unless Jiuliang was willing to let it go.