103, can you take me away as well (third watch)

Ye Jiuliang pursed her lips, "Let go of my hand first, how can we talk like this?"

Not in this position, anyway.

Her heart couldn't withstand the stimulation.

Li Mochan looked down, his hair faintly tickling her ear.

"Why can't we talk like this?" His magnetic voice carried a hint of laziness.

Ye Jiuliang bit her back teeth, "Anyway, it's just not possible."

Who talks like this, anyway?

"Teddy bear, do you like it?" He changed the subject, trying to divert her attention.

Ye Jiuliang glanced at the teddy bear on the opposite sofa, a trace of a smile flashed through her eyes, and she said disingenuously, "I'm not a child."

"What about me, do you like me?" Li Mochan tilted his head, his thin lips nearly touching the tip of her ear, his voice husky.

Ye Jiuliang's pupils contracted, and she covered her ears, unable to resist his seduction.

She glared at him, frustrated, "Li Mochan, I told you not to talk near my ear."