106. Hide Uncle Wu (Sixth Update)

Muted colors bring a slight chill, the stars shimmering and blurry.

Jing Pavilion, doors and windows tightly shut.

Before the desk, a pile of white papers, only the top two sheets were written on, the rest blank.

At this moment, Ye Jiuliang looked at the dishes just brought in on the tray, her appetite waning.

Two dishes and a soup, all vegetarian—it was clear the old man intended to punish her; even the takeout she ordered couldn't be delivered, and additional guards were posted at the door.

As someone who loved spicy food, the sight of these bland vegetarian dishes did nothing for her hunger.

Ye Jiuliang picked up her chopsticks and took a bite of the greens, tasteless and bland.

Terribly unappetizing.

Suddenly, her phone's WeChat notification chimed, signaling an incoming message.

She picked up her phone and saw the message from Li Mochan pop up on the screen.

[The back window is open.]

Ye Jiuliang's eyes lit up, and she quickly ran to the back window.