004: What an amazing waist


"I'm a witness."



Bed 16 immediately became furious, "Who's been sexually harassed?"



Xie Shang took a gauze from the medical cart beside him, wiped his hands, hung up the call, and played the recording.



"Are you angry? You disabled people are quite interesting."



"I've never dated a disabled girlfriend before."



"Miss, give me your phone number, if I become disabled we'd be a perfect match."



"You're not mute, are you? That would be a pity, not being able to make a sound."



Xie Shang stopped the recording and looked at Bed 16 without saying another word.



Bed 16 was at a loss for words for a while, his eyes darting around, then he suddenly yelled, "Ouch." He made a gesture of holding his injured limb, "My leg is broken, why isn't anyone coming?! What kind of shitty hospital is this, I'm not getting treated here!"



Bed 16 was a bully when others showed weakness but cowardly at the face of strength. Not being a fool, realizing the situation was bad, he limped out of bed, shot a fierce glance backward, and said the harsh threat that had been worn thin, "You just wait!"



Then, despite his disability, Bed 16 made his escape.



Wen Changling looked at the blood collection needle in his hand and was speechless for a moment.



"Could you help me with the bandage?"



Her attention was brought back.



Xie Shang had placed a pillow behind himself and was half-lying, half-sitting, looking at her.



There was blood on his face and a small cut on his forehead. The cold white of his skin stained with the glaring red, he possessed a strange, broken beauty.



Wen Changling put the blood collection needle back on the trolley, took a cotton swab and iodine, walked over to Bed 17, and first examined Xie Shang's wounds. They were external injuries; the main bleeding point was on the abdomen.



Wen Changling lifted the hem of Xie Shang's black shirt, where the wound was still bleeding. He hadn't even performed the simplest of first aid and let it bleed freely.



She squatted slightly and gently wiped the contaminants and debris around the wound with a sterile disinfecting cotton swab, close enough to smell the faint scent of agarwood on him, bittersweet and elegantly fresh.



She didn't look up, "Thank you."



Her voice was very light, her pronunciation clear.



"You can speak?"



In the Gu Family, Xie Shang had never heard her speak and had thought she was mute.



She lifted her head then, like a deer hiding behind a thick fog, her dark eyes wide, innocent but not naive, hiding a trace of very controlled aggression.



She said, "I can speak."



It was a very pleasant voice, merely not given to much talking.



She wasn't born with hearing loss. At the age of twelve, due to a high fever, she completely lost hearing in her right ear, and only had residual hearing in her left, requiring the use of a hearing aid to hear sounds.



"My name is Wen Changling."



Her name was written on the work badge on her chest.



"I know."



They had met at the Gu Family's.



He knew she was a Wen, from the Wind Town of Flower City, the Wen known for casting spells.



"Why don't you speak out when you are bullied?"



How come you look so easy to bully?



"Speaking out is useless, better to give him a few more needle pricks." Her movements when tending to the wound were deft but gentle, the iodine-soaked sterile cotton swab circled the edge of the wound over and over, "How did you know the number for the security room?"



Xie Shang did not look like a patient, his conversation conveying a sense of calm grandeur, "I don't know."



His phone rang at that moment, and Xie Shang hung up.



Not long after, it rang again.


Xie Shang answered and put the call on speakerphone.

"Fourth Brother, what were you just doing? What's this sexual harassment? Who's being sexually harassed?"

Wen Changling had a good memory for voices; on the other end of the line was Gu Yihuan, the volatile young master of the Gu Family.

Gu Yihuan received no response and kept shouting, "Fourth Brother?"

"Fourth Brother?"

"Fourth Brother!"

The call was hung up by Xie Shang.

He had just arrived at the Emergency Room, how could he so quickly know the phone number of the security office.

Wen Changling understood and inwardly exclaimed, "So clever," then continued her work, "The wound needs sutures, and it might leave a scar."

"Yeah, that's fine."

His tone sounded like he didn't care at all.

The suturing wasn't done by Wen Changling but by Doctor Zhuang of the Emergency Room, who stitched up six stitches in total.

Doctor Zhuang suggested that Xie Shang be hospitalized for observation. After giving the medical orders, he turned back to Wen Changling and said, "You can go back to your department and get busy. I'll take care of things here."

Wen Changling returned to her department.

She didn't say goodbye to Xie Shang, after all, they were not acquainted. When she left, Xie Shang's eyes were closed as he rested, completely ignoring all the furtive glances around him.

No sooner had she got back to the Oncology Department than Jiahui called out to her anxiously.

"Changling, Changling!" Jiahui ran over excitedly with her mobile phone, "Is it him? Is it him? That ultimate character from the Gu Family."

Jiahui's last name was Niu, and she disliked it when people called her by her surname, saying it sounded too rough.

Jiahui's phone was shoved too close, and it took Wen Changling several seconds to make out the photo on it. She nodded and confirmed it was. That ultimate character from the Gu Family— a nickname Jiahui had coined for Xie Shang, though impolite, it was indeed fitting.

Jiahui was enthralled by the photo, utterly bewitched, "This one is so combat-damaged, even more, an ultimate character."

That battle-damaged face, Wen Changling had just seen it up close, and it was hard not to agree.

"I hate that I'm not in the Emergency Department." Jiahui gripped Wen Changling's arm, her face full of eager anticipation, "How's his waist? Is it incredible?"

From face to waist, that was a quick transition. Wen Changling was a bit bewildered, not keeping up with the change in topic.

"Weren't you the one who bandaged him? You've got firsthand experience on his waist." Jiahui had a bit of a risqué streak, usually ogling male celebrities' abs, "Is it incredible? Does it feel good?"

Wen Changling considered seriously for a moment, "It is incredible."

But she hadn't touched it; she had professional conduct to maintain. In case Xie Shang managed to get the phone number for security and complained about her sexually harassing him, that would be troublesome.

Jiahui's inner voice: Ahhh.

Jiahui aloud, "If I had known this would happen today, I would've gone to help in the Emergency Room." She was so regretful.

Jiahui begrudgingly tapped save.

The source of the combat-damaged photo: Dihong Hospital Nurses' Main Group.

Convincing people to study nursing and get struck by lightning: [Damn!]

Pediatric Surgery Wang Yanyan: [Damn!!]

The past follows the wind: [Damn!!!]

Ignorance is indeed scary, they can only express themselves with plants when they see an ultimate character.

Convincing people to study nursing and get struck by lightning: [Give me the coordinates of his hospital bed, I'll go seduce him right now]

Oncology Jiahui: [Sister, don't be too brave, Changling and I had seen this guy before at Flower Chamber Hall]

The kind of people who could get into Flower Chamber Hall could only be imagined.

But everyone's enthusiasm was not dampened, it grew even higher. The number of nurses in the group planning to go seduce Xie Shang increased, and the normally still waters of the nurses' group were exceptionally explosive today.