031: Overprotective Maniac


Dihong Hospital.

Changling Wen returned from her morning rounds and saw two takeout boxes on the nurse station's table, which appeared to contain desserts; the boxes were very exquisite.

Jiahui said, "One of those is yours."

"I didn't place an order."

"Qiao Yi's wealthy best friend treated us, she treated all the nurses in the hospital," Jiahui was quite surprised, "I thought Qiao Yi was bragging, but it turns out she really does have a rich and beautiful best friend."

Food shouldn't be left on the worktable, so Changling Wen went over to put the items away.


Tu Qizhen was calling her: "Come here for a moment."

The head nurse's office was nearby, shared between the day and night shifts.

The door was open, and Changling Wen knocked twice before entering.

Tu Qizhen handed her a check-up form: "There is a customer in the check-up building, could you go and assist her?"

"Should I go?"