035: Spend a Wonderful Evening Together

Wen Changling stayed in the hospital for only two days before the head nurse gave her another two days off to rest at home. Passing by Ruyi Pawnshop, she saw Xie Shang getting out of a car that looked very expensive and imposing.

The car was red, very ostentatious.

"Xingxing." The lady in the car called him.

He turned back and went to her.

The lady said something to him and handed him a very intricately carved box before driving away.

Wen Changling continued on towards Granny Zhu's house.

"Wen Changling," Xie Shang called out to her.

She turned around: "Hmm?"

Her expression was honest and sincere.

Xie Shang was holding the carved box, made of redwood; the color complimented his hands well. Wen Changling didn't know whether to admire the beautiful box or the beautiful hands.

"I heard you got poisoned so badly because you were protecting your food and refused to share your mushroom soup with me."

Wen Changling: "..."

Is there no such thing as a secret on Lotus Pond Street?