Chapter 83: What Are You Happy About?

Only Ye Sihan and those four little ones were at the dining table.

The four little ones had no sense of strangeness at all; they ate obediently on their own, without needing anyone to feed them.

Identical little things that could eat by themselves, so soft and cute.

Wen Bo and the maid beside them had their eyes glued on the sight.

Somebody's children, with such strong genes, each and every one looked so good.

They didn't look like ordinary people's children at all.

Are you sure you want Mr. Ye's sponsorship?

But having a meal with Mr. Ye, it didn't feel out of place at all!

Ye Sihan was chewing his food, his sharp and deep black eyes occasionally glancing at the four children.

He had never thought he would be dining with children, let alone four of them.

Unexpectedly, he didn't dislike it.

At this moment, Tang Yifei was sent out of Ye Mansion's territory by car.

Only after getting out of the car did she dare to lose her temper.

Actually not allowing her to eat there!