Chapter 064: Reluctant to Scold


The boss was going to give her a raise!

Liang Weining instantly sobered up, cursing herself for sweating the small stuff and nearly missing out on the big picture benefits.

No problem.

As long as the money's right, she could do any job.

Regaining her composure, Liang Weining calmly said, "Mr. Chen, give me some time. Around eight tonight, I'll send a detailed adjustment plan to your email."

"Around eight is too late."

Too late?

She hesitated for two seconds.

"Then when do you think would be suitable?" she asked tentatively.

Chen Jingyuan set a time limit, "Before you leave work this afternoon."

Fine then.

The brutal capitalist.

In truth, there wasn't much difference between six and eight.

It was more valuable to tap into her potential than to work overtime late into the night.

Without suspecting anything amiss, Liang Weining was about to get up when the man lightly pressed down on her shoulder with his hand, and she sat back down, stunned.