003: Worry about the old father

Leaving the hot pot restaurant, Lai Zhiyun refused Zhou Liao's offer to drive her home.

She had walked there.

After dinner, she also wanted to walk to aid her digestion.

She crossed the street, stepped onto the sidewalk, and was approaching an intersection when suddenly, a black sedan slowly came to a halt in front of her.

"Get in."

The rear window rolled down, and as Lai Zhiyun bent over to look inside the car, the person inside was also looking at her.

"Old He!"

"What a coincidence. Did you come specially to pick me up?"

Lai Zhiyun opened the car door and sat inside, her eyes like searchlights, staring straight at He Yannian. "Why do I feel you're acting a bit unusual today?"

"Just a bit curious," He Yannian pushed away Lai Zhiyun's head that had leaned in too close and asked, "How was your chat with Zhou Liao?"

"Pretty good,"

He had a good appetite.

He was a decent dining companion.

"Took a liking to him?"

He Yannian's expression changed slightly, his face taking on a more serious look as he studied Lai Zhiyun, waiting for her reaction.

"After only one meeting, how could I take a liking that easily?"

Lai Zhiyun rolled her eyes at him, "I've noticed you're quite free today. Is your company going bankrupt, or do you owe the Zhou family money? Planning to sell your daughter?"

"I'd like to sell you, if only someone would take you," He Yannian, almost imperceptibly, let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Hmph, I might also need to remind you that whether I date or marry, it's my own business. Don't even think about interfering, or else, I'll turn against you."

"Fine, I promise not to rush you."

"And that grandfather of mine and your attention-seeking stepmother, don't let them bother me either."

Lai Zhiyun had always been this casual in front of He Yannian, never hiding her dislike for the He Family elders.

Since she was little, the old Mr. He had never liked her.

Every time they met, he would put on airs as an elder, being picky and disdainful towards her, keen on using her as a bad example in front of her cousins, while also implicating her mother, Mrs. Lai, criticizing her lack of parenting skills.

When she was younger, Lai Zhiyun had been saddened by her grandfather's criticism, thinking that it was because she wasn't as smart and excellent as her sister that he didn't like her.

But as she grew up, she realized that Old Mr. He's antipathy was because her very birth wasn't what he had hoped for; she dashed his cherished wish to have a grandson.

Even more so, after she left the He family, she changed her surname, in Old Mr. He's heart, she was no longer considered a member of the He family.

So gradually, she let go.

If they didn't like her, so be it; after all, she didn't live under the same roof as them, meeting maybe once or twice a year. They led their separate lives, the relationship distant but peaceful.

That was, until a few days ago, when her paternal step-grandmother called her.

The entire call hinted at how wonderful her maternal family was, boasting of her accomplished grandnephew, wanting to introduce them.

At the time, Lai Zhiyun exploded.

Her grandnephew, accomplished? Hardly.

A rotten character, and a rotten person!

Without a second word, she hung up the phone.

Then, not two minutes later, her grandfather called, berating her with full vigor.

Lai Zhiyun didn't hold back either; as her temper flared, she retorted sharply.

And just like that, their faces were torn.

"Don't worry, they can't control you. Your grandfather's getting old; he's becoming senile," He Yannian knew she was upset.

And he was equally angry.

His indifferent and secretly suffering stepmother actually dared to target his daughter. Did she think he was dead?!

"Then you've had it tough, dealing with a thoughtless dad like me isn't easy for you," Lai Zhiyun said, feigning sympathy as she patted He Yannian on the shoulder before asking with concern, "Have you had lunch?"

"I have."

"Going on a business trip anytime soon? Shall I arrange some chicken soup and old duck soup for you?"


As they spoke, the car came to a stop outside the entrance to Lai Zhiyun's residential complex.

"Remember to eat on time and drink plenty of water," Lai Zhiyun said as she got out of the car, still reminding him from outside the vehicle.

"I know."

"Don't just bury yourself in work all the time. Leave some free time for yourself, date someone, find a partner."

Stop worrying about her all the time.

Having said that, Lai Zhiyun closed the car door from the outside.

A few steps forward, she turned back, her face beaming with a bright and playful smile, waving goodbye to the driver in the driver's seat, "Uncle Li, bye-bye."

Inside the car, Li Mingda smiled and lifted his right hand to wave back.

"This girl, she's grown up so much, yet she's still like a child."

Watching Lai Zhiyun's retreating figure, He Yannian's heart as a father was filled with worries.

"I wonder if setting her up to meet Zhou Liao is a good idea or not..."

Although the kid seemed quite clever in everyday matters, she had never been in love before, and he couldn't be sure if she was the type to get lovestruck easily.

"Zhiyun has been smart since she was little," Li Mingda consoled him.

"I'm just worried about her judgment in men! You know how young people these days are always going on about how 'looks are justice', focusing only on the face, is that reliable?"

"With her high standards, Zhiyun probably doesn't just look at faces."

"But not looking at faces won't do either."

"Yeah, Zhiyun is really beautiful and outstanding. Ordinary people aren't good enough for her."

Hmm, he liked hearing that.

He had arranged for Zhiyun to meet Zhou Liao because he found Zhou Liao agreeable and thought he was all-round suitable for his daughter.

Besides, the Zhou Family had a good family tradition.

Zhou Liao was the youngest son in his family, his parents had good reputations, and they all had a harmonious relationship. His elder brother was already capable of holding his own, and the two brothers each had their own careers progressing forward, and they both had ambition and integrity.

But then again, even if Zhou Liao had good credentials, as her father, he introduced them with the hope that Zhou Liao would be the one putting in the effort to pursue his daughter.

His daughter was at the age to be in a relationship. Young and beautiful girls should be properly enjoying the earnest affection and pursuit from boys.

He definitely didn't want to see his daughter become smitten and, after hearing a few sweet nothings, end up chasing after Zhou Liao herself.

"Being suitable isn't enough, sincerity is what really counts."

"Yes," Li Mingda agreed, nodding along.

He was a pro at playing the sidekick.

Having driven for He Yannian for over a decade, Li Mingda knew well that his boss was a fanatic about doting on his daughter.

Despite being astute and competent at work and amiable and steady in person, when it came to his daughters, he was no different from an ordinary person—just a doting and worriesome father.

"Turn around and head back to the old house."

For the time being, his daughters seemed to be quite sensible, but there was still a troublesome old father at home. It was about time to return and give him a piece of his mind.

With that thought, He Yannian's entire demeanor abruptly shifted.

Li Mingda glanced at his boss's face through the rearview mirror, his expression stern, his countenance as if covered with a layer of frost, his aura visibly stern and his mood inscrutable.

Today, the boss was likely going home to cause a scene.