010: So smart

After breakfast, Lai Zhiyun went with Zhou Liao to pick up the beef meatballs.

It must be said, they did have some fate, even ordering beef meatballs from the same place.

There's hardly any exclusive business at the market here.

There are two shops that make hand-beaten beef meatballs.

One is located next to the main entrance of the market, and the other is inside the market, closer to the side door.

From a distance perspective, the first shop's location is obviously closer, but Lai Zhiyun prefers the beef meatballs from the shop inside the market.

Whether it's the taste or texture, they are a cut above, so she's willing to walk a bit further every time she comes here for beef meatballs.

Then, after frequent visits, she became familiar with some of the shop owners or madams here, and even added them on WeChat. Whenever she came to buy groceries, she would order in advance through WeChat, and they would prepare the goods for her.

Therefore, as soon as Lai Zhiyun entered the market, every few shops someone would call out to her.

"Pretty lady, you're here, your hen is ready for you."

"Zhiyun, here's the pork tripe and ribs you wanted."

"Little Yun, your vegetables are packed, placed by the side of my stall, just take it yourself."


Others need to pick and ask prices when they buy vegetables, but Lai Zhiyun simply thanks them, grabs her groceries, and leaves. She even transfers money in advance through WeChat, making it a very efficient process.

In this manner, Zhou Liao followed her around most of the market, watching her carefree silhouette, without any chance for small talk.

The two parted ways, and Lai Zhiyun drove straight home.

Her car entered the parking lot, took a couple of turns, and parked smoothly in her spot.


Just after she parked, a car in the opposite aisle honked and flashed its lights.

Lai Zhiyun unbuckled her seatbelt, turned towards the sound, and saw He Yannian climbing out of his car.

"Dad, how come you're here so early? I just came back from grocery shopping," Lai Zhiyun got out of her car, slightly surprised to see He Yannian at this time.

Was the busy man not working today?

He used to time his meals precisely, and she had to bring him soup to his office or have the driver come to collect it, and now he's shown up more than two hours early.

"How long have you been waiting here? Why didn't you call me?"

"I just got here not long ago."

He Yannian walked up to Lai Zhiyun's car, reached out his hand to take the eco-friendly bag full of groceries from her.

"No need, this bag isn't heavy."

Lai Zhiyun declined He Yannian's help.

Old He was wearing a suit, looking every bit the elite businessman. Her eco-friendly bag just didn't match his style.

"Where did you buy these groceries?" Not being able to help, He Yannian walked alongside Lai Zhiyun, trying to make conversation.

"From the market in the city's east."

"You went that far? It's very convenient to buy groceries in the supermarket now, you can order through the phone, and they deliver it to your door."

There was no need for her to commute to the market for groceries.

He Yannian didn't want Lai Zhiyun to go through too much trouble just to cook a meal for him.

"It's okay, driving there and back is just over half an hour, and I can eat breakfast outside on the way," Lai Zhiyun didn't mind.

In their family, her dad, her mom, and her sister were all workaholics, leaving her with more free time. Her work was also more flexible, so she had plenty of time to stroll through the market.

As far as lifestyle was concerned, it was clear they weren't on the same wavelength.

So, it was alright to listen to what Old He said, but when it came to choosing, she had her own ideas.

The two waited for the elevator.

The elevator doors opened, Lai Zhiyun went in first, with He Yannian following behind, casually pressing the button for their floor.

Seventeenth floor.

"Has my sister gone on another business trip? I haven't seen her in over half a month."

The building where Lai Zhiyun lived had a two-elevator, two-apartment layout on each floor.

Next door to her apartment lived her sister, so the siblings resided on the same floor.

However, because He Zhiwei was busy with work and had other places to stay, even as neighbors, they couldn't see each other very often.

"She is busier than I am now, flying everywhere—she's abroad at the moment." Speaking of his eldest daughter He Zhiwei, He Yannian felt somewhat conflicted.

It's true, she is exceptional.

Intelligent and capable, without a hint of a love-brain—purely career-driven.

Most of the year, the place where he and He Zhiwei met the most was in the company's meeting room, where father and daughter only talked business.

Although everyone in the company knew she had connections, she insisted on acting like she wasn't close to him, always maintaining the posture of a competent employee, being careful to keep a clear boundary with him. The more he saw this, the more frustrating it became.

"That's also good, my sister being so capable should help you lighten your load a bit."

"She probably wants to take over my position sooner rather than later."

"I don't understand company matters. Maybe my sister is working so hard to prove to Grandpa that she's not inferior to other people's sons?"

As she spoke, the elevator doors opened, and the two of them stepped out. Lai Zhiyun keyed in the code and opened the door to her home.


Maomao, hearing the commotion, waited at the door. As the door opened and saw Lai Zhiyun return with someone else, it looked at He Yannian with a wary eye.

"Maomao, this is my dad; you've seen him before." As if the Golden Retriever understood her words, Lai Zhiyun explained to it.

Maomao: "..."

It sat down with a plop and cocked its head, indicating it didn't remember this person.

This was the second time He Yannian had been to Lai Zhiyun's place.

The first was when Lai Zhiyun moved in; he had come to see her, so there were men's slippers available in the house.

Lai Zhiyun fetched the slippers for him to change into, then carried the groceries into the kitchen, while Maomao stood guard at the door, still vigilant.

"Not bad, quite alert."

It wasn't a merely clueless dog that only knew how to look cute.

After changing his slippers, He Yannian casually praised Maomao.

Maomao flicked its ears at the sound and gave He Yannian a sidelong glance before barking at the open door.

"Woof, woof—"

He Yannian: "..."

His mind was filled with question marks.

What did that mean, was it trying to get rid of him?

"Dad, Maomao is reminding you to close the door." Lai Zhiyun stuck her head out of the kitchen and promptly clarified He Yannian's confusion.

"This dog is so smart?" He Yannian was slightly surprised.

"It went through a special training school and graduated with excellent marks."

Also, Maomao was a birthday gift from her mother, Lady Lai Man, but the person who had chosen the gift was Lady Lai Man's current boyfriend.

And that fact didn't need to be shared with her father.

"Was it a gift from your mother?" He Yannian asked.

"Yes, you know, I like to stay at home and don't really enjoy going out, so my mom suggested I get a dog. I can take it out for walks when I'm free. That gives me a routine reason to go outside every day, and it also keeps me company when I'm home alone."

He Yannian: "..."

He felt like he had lost again.

He had also urged Zhiyun to get out more, but he only knew how to preach about how staying home all the time wasn't good for her health, completely ignorant that she wanted a dog.

How had he never thought to give her a dog?

Although he was reluctant to admit it, when it came to giving gifts to their daughters, Lai Man was indeed much more thoughtful and attentive than he was.