039: You are my sky.

Time silently slipped away.

She got absorbed in short videos for almost half an hour, and when He Zhiwei finally put down her phone, hunger surged up tumultuously. Her stomach grumbled, and only then did she realize she was hungry.

"Yunyun, I'm hungry, make me a bowl of noodles, will you?"

He Zhiwei grabbed Lai Zhiyun's hand and shook it twice while pleading in a softened voice, transforming from an imperious lady to a cute little sister in an instant, her domineering image vanishing completely.

"You didn't have dinner again?"

Lai Zhiyun's expression changed as well, her fair face tensing up seriously, her eyes slightly fierce, full of reproach for He Zhiwei.

"I did, I had a bread roll when I got off work, and, look, a banana too."

He Zhiwei stretched out her hand and pointed towards the banana peel she had tossed into the trash can.