056: I really like

The morning sunlight was gentle, softly warming the earth.

Facing the wind, with the swing's movement, Lai Zhiyun seemed to suddenly crash into nature's embrace. Each gust was pleasant, and time seemed to slow down. Behind her, a pair of strong hands were pushing her, propelling her to "fly" again and again.

"That's enough, we can stop now," she said.

After about ten minutes of play, Lai Zhiyun called out, not yet ready to end her fun. After the swing came to a halt, she asked Zhou Liao, "Do you want to have a go? I can push you."

"No need," he replied.

"Shall we go back then?" she asked.

"Do you still want to play?" Zhou Liao inquired.

"A bit, push me twenty more times." Lai Zhiyun held up two fingers. "You push, and I'll count."

"One, two, three..."

Amidst the soft, crisp counting, time moved forward. The twenty back-and-forths were but a brief two minutes.

"Aren't you tired?" Lai Zhiyun stood up and said to Zhou Liao, "Let's go sit on the bench for a while."