092: Beauty Blow

He Zhiwei, although quite embarrassed, didn't show it on her face.

She was the type who was brave enough to face challenges head-on, with a solid mental fortitude, the more embarrassed she became, the more she would pretend as if nothing was happening, maintaining a calm and collected demeanor.

Back in the living room, she treated He Yannian with the same cool distance as always.

Lai Zhiyun squeezed some orange juice. It was rare for the family of four to gather, so she brought out a deck of cards. Once the orange juice was ready, they started playing Dou Dizhu for points.

The four of them took turns at the table, playing for small amounts of cash depending on their scores.

They played until the early hours of the morning, and only after the New Year's countdown had ended and the first day of the new year had arrived, did their family gathering come to a close.