099: Strive for benefits

"Why not, if you're willing to give it, why wouldn't I take it?"

Only a fool would pass up a good deal.

She certainly didn't believe that nonsense about good women not spending men's money!

So, after splashing around in the pool for half an hour, returning to the house, Zhou Liao actually handed her a bank card, and even told her the PIN.

Did he think it was cabbage?! Giving it away just like that!

Even though most of his assets were tied up in business investments, there should still be a decent amount of money on this card, right?

"Take it," Zhou Liao was not just putting on an act, he truly meant to give it to her.

After waiting a few seconds and seeing Zhiyun still standing there without reaching out, Zhou Liao pushed the bank card closer to her again.

"Never mind, I want something more than your savings."

Lai Zhiyun didn't hesitate, as she had already made up her mind, so she didn't reach out.

"What do you want more?"