121: I'm busy.

"I don't know if the girl is blind or not, but some of them are quite confident, thinking they're younger and prettier than me."

Time ages people.

Compared to the young ones, you really can't compete.

So, Luo Qiuyue had already accepted her fate.

She didn't want to compare herself with others, nor did she want to twist herself into knots competing with herself.

She lived her life comfortably in the way she wanted.

Her son was already grown up; she had money and free time. She didn't want to spend all day watching her husband and revolving around him.

Dressing up now entirely depended on her mood.

She felt that even without makeup, she wasn't ugly.

"All with deceitful hearts, how pretty can they be? Even if they look like goddesses, such women absolutely cannot be allowed to have anything to do with our family."