Chapter 30 You Changed

Feng Xu looked at the bowl and chopsticks in front of him.

All he could think was that they should be under the table, not on it.

In the end, Feng Xu realized his place and was ready to bring his bowl and chopsticks to Professor Xiao's side.

But Xiao Yu took away the pair that belonged to Sheng Shushu.

Sheng Shushu looked at Feng Xu, "Sit down and eat."

She didn't pull out a chair and made a move to leave.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Yu asked, struggling to keep his tone even, which sounded devoid of anger.

Sheng Shushu glanced at the bowl and chopsticks he had taken away. Wasn't he just trying to prevent her from eating?

With his stubborn and stinky temper, everything she did today felt like walking on the knife's edge.

Xiao Yu seemed to be fond of punishing her in various ways, not letting her eat could be one, right?

Sheng Shushu ignored him.

It was Feng Xu who called her back, "Sheng Shushu, please eat, I'll get you another set of bowl and chopsticks?"