Chapter 37 Preparing the Engagement

Qu Yi knew that Xiao Yu liked this restaurant.

But she hadn't expected him to be there.

This morning, when she called, she even asked Xiao Yu if he wanted to have a meal together today, since the Dragon Boat Festival was ending soon.

Xiao Yu refused her.

Watching him speak softly with Sheng Shushu by his side, Qu Yi couldn't articulate where she felt uncomfortable.

In theory, she shouldn't feel threatened.

But she couldn't help trusting her instincts.

Especially, if Qu Yi wasn't mistaken, the one having dinner was Feng Yuancheng.

Because her mother had been defrauded by a trust, she was familiar with the trust industry and knew this person.

Xiao Yu's meeting with him was obviously for work.

Bringing Sheng Shushu to work as well?

Others might not understand Xiao Yu; his private life is monotonous and centered around work.

Once a woman is allowed to know about his work, then the nature of this woman is different.