Chapter 48 Ice and Fire


Sitting in the car, she kept clicking her knuckles, forcing herself to stay awake.

But that bone-deep sensation was too strong, and given her infatuation for love affairs, especially for Xiao Yu, her self-control was really not up to par.

"Miss, are you okay?" the driver suddenly asked.

Sheng Shushu squinted her eyes, trying her best to raise her voice, "I'm fine. Please concentrate on driving."

She probably hadn't managed to suppress the sound of her gasping just now.

She also tried to speak louder, because her voice turned as soft as a cat's when she was aroused.

Xiao Yu said that her voice at those times was the most tantalizing.

She didn't want the driver to misunderstand her because of her voice and have some uncontrollable incident occur, as she wouldn't even have the strength to run.

After passing a traffic light, Sheng Shushu finally suppressed her voice and said, "Master, to the hospital."

If she remembered correctly, the second hospital was nearby.