Chapter 4 Comfort

Only during the New Year did the otherwise cold and empty "home" seem to have a touch more warmth and human affection.

Exhausted from the day's activities, Su Wan went to bed and fell asleep immediately, dreamless throughout the night.

The next day, with matters weighing on her mind, Su Wan awoke very early.

After freshening up, she went downstairs to find that the housekeeper had already arrived.

Seeing her, the housekeeper approached with a smile and greeted, "Miss Su, why are you up so early today?"

Su Wan smiled back, "I need to go out today."

She glanced at the direction of Gu Nanzhou's bedroom on the second floor before turning her head and asking in a lowered voice, "Has Gu Nanzhou not woken up yet?"

"Not yet, I haven't seen the sir."

Su Wan nodded to indicate she understood and tucked up her sleeves as she entered the kitchen, "He drank alcohol yesterday, he might have an upset stomach today. I'll prepare some porridge for him; serve it to Gu Nanzhou when he wakes up."

"Alright, Miss Su."

After preparing a nutritious meal for her mother, Su Wan also cooked a stomach-warming porridge for Gu Nanzhou. When she finished tidying up and stepped out of the kitchen, she saw Gu Nanzhou coming downstairs.

Gu Nanzhou seemed to have just taken a shower, his gaze lowered as he fastened his cuffs, his hair half-dry, softly resting on his face, and those beautiful eyes were no longer as cold as usual, slightly red at the corners with a light misty haze, making him seem less unapproachable.

Standing in front of the dining table with the porridge, Su Wan looked up at Gu Nanzhou, and despite knowing him for so long, her heart still quickened at the sight of his handsome face.

"Mr. Gu, good morning."

Gu Nanzhou, hearing her sweet voice from the kitchen, lifted his eyelashes to look at her, "Morning."

Su Wan seemed in a particularly good mood today, her eyes curved with a hint of a smile, radiating a spring breeze that made others feel at ease.

Just one glance from her and the irritation from Gu Nanzhou's poor rest seemed to diminish.

"I made some stomach-warming porridge; I'm not sure if it'll suit your taste."

Having drunk a good amount the previous night, Gu Nanzhou didn't have much of an appetite, yet faced with her clean and fair face, he unexpectedly couldn't bring himself to refuse.

Halting his steps slightly, Gu Nanzhou squinted and made a nonchalant sound of acknowledgment.

Su Wan didn't mind his indifferent manner. She knew that was just how Gu Nanzhou was, and considering the limited time they actually spent together, she was already very happy just to speak a few words to him each day.

Her smile grew even more genuine, and with her cheerfulness came chattiness, as she reminded Gu Nanzhou to drink the porridge while it was hot.

After cleaning up, she took the lunchbox prepared by the housekeeper and got ready to go out to see her mother.

Seeing Su Wan getting ready to leave, Wu Ma peeked her head out of the kitchen, "Miss Su, do I need to prepare your lunch for noon?"

Su Wan pondered for a moment, then replied, "No need, Wu Ma, I'll spend the afternoon with my mother today, so I won't be coming back."

The girl's voice was very soft, but Gu Nanzhou, with his back toward her, heard every word clearly.

After Su Wan left, Wu Ma walked out of the kitchen, remembering the clean and tidy dining table from the morning and said offhandedly, "Sir, did you and Miss Su eat the food from yesterday?"

Wu Ma had been with the Gu Family for over twenty years, and since Gu Nanzhou lost his mother at a young age, she had been taking care of him, thus he held great respect for Wu Ma.

Gu Nanzhou paused at her question, "I had eaten outside yesterday, the food was thrown out by her."

Wu Ma made a sound of regret, her expression showing her pity, "She spent an entire afternoon preparing that meal."

Gu Nanzhou furrowed his brow, his expression usually composed, even his frown subtle, "She didn't mention it."

Mrs. Wu thought to herself that the master she had watched grow up, how could he be the kind that doesn't know how to be tender with girls?

She didn't say anything, only murmured a sentence, "Master, Miss Su is truly a fine young lady."

If one day she is really driven away, where can you find such a good girl then?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wu sighed.

Now it was Gu Nanzhou's turn to be silent. He lowered his gaze to the bowl of porridge on the dining table, crystal clear and good-looking, his Adam's apple moved slightly, but his eyes gradually deepened.

Su Wan was driven to the sanatorium by her family's driver.

Her mother was arranged by the Gu family to be in the best medical institution in City A, cared for by a professional team. Since the Su family's misfortune, Su Wan's mother's health had collapsed.

Su Wan went to her mother's VIP single room, a route she knew well.

Su's mother leaned against the head of the bed, holding a photo of Su's father, her eyes dull and lifeless.

The light from the window shone on Su's mother, who despite being plagued by illness, still retained her charm.

Su Wan suddenly felt her eyes grow sore. She remembered the past when the Su family had not yet declined, when her father was still around, and she was the capricious little princess, the family happy and content. But now, her mother even had white hair.

She stood outside the door taking deep breaths, took a long time to calm herself, and then dared to push the door to enter.

"Mom," the girl called softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Su's mother came back to herself, quickly stuffed the photo under the pillow, afraid that Su Wan would notice something odd, and put on a shallow smile. "Wanwan is here."

Su Wan placed the thermal container on the table to the side, pretending not to notice anything, sat beside the bed, and took her mother's hand. "Mom, how have you been feeling lately? Does your chest still hurt?"

Su's mother stroked her daughter's head, her voice very tender, and her eyes equally gentle, "Don't worry, mom has been feeling much better lately."

"That's good," Su Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Wan opened the thermal container one by one, and the smell of the dishes rushed out, filling the entire room.

"Mom, try this, I got up early especially to make this for you."

Su's mother took a bite with her chopsticks and praised, "Mm, my Wanwan makes the tastiest food."

"Really? Then next time I'll cook something different for you."

Su Wan ate lunch with her mother and in the afternoon took her for a walk outside.

The sunshine outside was just right, the sanatorium was quite far from the city center, one of the top establishments in City A, with a very beautiful environment.

Although Su's mother's health had improved a lot, the weather was cold, and Su Wan was still worried about her staying outside for too long.

By the time she helped her mother back to bed, she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Mom, the New Year is coming soon, come back to Qingshui Bay with me for the New Year."

Su's mother was startled, then smiled and shook her head, "No, Wanwan, I've already caused you enough trouble."

She knew very well what her health was like and besides, her precious daughter was not having a great time in the Gu family's house. Although she didn't say anything, Su's mother knew.

Su's mother didn't want to be a burden to Su Wan.

"Not at all, Mom," Su Wan held her mother's hand, very earnestly, "How can you say it's trouble? I won't feel at ease with you here alone, and besides, Gu Nanzhou won't mind."

Seeing that her mother was about to say something, she quickly spoke up to interrupt her, "Let's settle it then, Mom. I'll come to pick you up in a few days."

Seeing her daughter's inflexible expression, Su's mother sighed and did not say anything more.