Chapter 6 Intoxication

Su Wan nestled against her mother's arm and gently rubbed it, her little face slightly flushing with color as she clutched the red envelope prepared for Gu Nanzhou and trotted towards the study room.

As the study drew nearer, the young girl suddenly became nervous. She pinched the red envelope in her hand, hesitating about whether to go inside or not.

She'd come all this way, and the red envelope was ready; she couldn't back out like a shrinking turtle at the last moment.

Su Wan silently encouraged herself inside her head. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Mr. Gu, I'm coming in."

Su Wan gently pushed open the door of the study to find Gu Nanzhou seated at his desk, turning his head to see the girl peeking in.

He asked, "What's up?"

Su Wan walked up to the man, standing neatly before him, then reached into the pocket of her coat to bring out a red envelope.

The little girl blinked her eyes, looking somewhat embarrassed as she said, "This is for Mr. Gu. It's not much, but for the New Year, it can bring good luck."

Gu Nanzhou was slightly taken aback and looked down.

The red envelope was being pinched by the girl's hand. Her skin was already pale, which made the tips of her fingers look even more delicate and pink like jade, with the beautiful luster of a seashell under the embellishment of the red envelope.

Gu Nanzhou's Adam's apple bobbed as he looked at the girl who was eagerly looking at him and reached out his hand to take it.

Seeing Gu Nanzhou accept it, Su Wan let out a sigh of relief. Her smile burst forth and her face turned rosy, making her look even more charming and endearing.

Looking at the red envelope in front of him, Gu Nanzhou felt amused. This was the first time he had received a New Year's red envelope from a young girl. His lips unknowingly curved up a bit as he gently hummed in agreement, his tone softer than usual.

Su Wan smiled again, "Mr. Gu," the girl said, her eyebrows and eyes soft as she gazed at him with an incredibly tender voice, "Happy New Year, may each year bring peace."

The girl's voice was very soft, echoing in the quiet air, making Gu Nanzhou's heart softening inch by inch.

His eyes deepened, a strange tingling sensation spreading from his heart through his limbs.

The feeling came so suddenly and swiftly that Gu Nanzhou had no time to think about it before it vanished without a trace.

Gu Nanzhou's eyelashes flickered down, hiding the emotions in his eyes. His voice was low as he softly responded, "Happy New Year, may each year bring peace."

Perhaps the girl had not expected Gu Nanzhou would reciprocate her New Year wishes, her eyes brightened momentarily, and she seemed to be in an exceptionally good mood.

"Then, I won't disturb Mr. Gu's work any longer."

Having delivered the red envelope, there was no need for her to continue disturbing him.

After saying "Goodbye, Mr. Gu" and turning to walk a few steps towards the door handle, she suddenly heard a voice from behind.

"Su Wan."

The girl turned her face around: "What's up, Mr. Gu?"

Gu Nanzhou was silent for a moment, not quite catching up with why he had suddenly called out to her.

"Hmm?" Seeing Gu Nanzhou silent, Su Wan voiced her confusion.

Gu Nanzhou thought for a moment before saying, "Don't wait up for me tomorrow evening; I have an engagement."

Otherwise, the girl might wait for him late into the night like last time.

Gu Nanzhou's expression remained indifferent, with his high nosebridge and thin lips slightly pursed, his profile both beautiful and cold.

Su Wan was stunned for a good while, completely forgetting to blink, as this was the first time Gu Nanzhou had told her of his plans.

Stared at by the girl's unblinking gaze, Gu Nanzhou felt slightly uncomfortable and cleared his throat.

The girl, realizing her own lapse in composure, immediately retracted her gaze and nodded, "Okay, then if there's anything, Mr. Gu can just message me."

She hesitated for a moment, gestured towards the door, and asked, "So, should I go out now?"

Gu Nanzhou hummed a response.

"Mr. Gu, goodbye," Su Wan said as she closed the door.

Leaning against the wall, she let out a sigh of relief, her heartbeat racing a bit faster, and her face gradually growing hot.

Even though it was just an ordinary conversation, she always felt as if her relationship with Gu Nanzhou had gotten a little better than before.

At the thought, the corners of the young girl's eyes couldn't help but curve up.

Even descending the stairs, she hummed a tune on her way down.

Inside the study, Gu Nanzhou's long, distinct fingers fiddled with a red envelope.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly curled his lips into a smile.

She did have the heart, he thought.

Su Wan felt that this year was the happiest New Year she had ever had, as if all the grievances, loneliness, and heartaches she had suffered before didn't matter anymore.

The new year would surely be better.

The next day, having nothing much to do, Su Wan stayed in bed a little longer before getting up.

After washing up, she noticed that Gu Nanzhou was indeed not around, but there was a red envelope on the table with a note beside it, reading "For Su Wan."

It was in Gu Nanzhou's handwriting.

Gu Nanzhou's writing was beautiful, each stroke vigorous and firm.

Su Wan stared at her name for a while, lost in thought. She had seen and written the characters 'Su Wan' countless times since she learned to read, but her heartbeat still fluttered slightly at the sight of Gu Nanzhou's writing.

The red envelope was light, and when she opened it, a card fell out.

The young girl couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggle, this was indeed very characteristic of Gu Nanzhou.

In the years since she married into the Gu Family, although Gu Nanzhou didn't like her, he had never stinted on material things.

Su Wan carefully put the card away in a drawer in her room; she didn't need it for now.

At noon, Su Wan's mother said she wanted to go back, and although Su Wan really wanted her mother to stay a few more days, she respected her wish.

After having lunch with her mother, she took her back in the afternoon.

At the sanatorium, the late Grandpa Gu had arranged for the best service for her mother, even personally choosing the caregivers, all of whom were very earnest in their work, and the young girl had met them. Knowing her mother could have some company and chat with others there, she felt relieved.

After returning home, Su Wan planned to go to her bedroom for a bath.

The young girl had just finished her bath and was halfway through blow-drying her hair when a servant hurriedly knocked on the door.

"Miss Su, the master is drunk. Please come help Mr. Gu," the servant said.

"?" Su Wan was stunned for a moment, then after snapping to her senses, turned off the hairdryer, wrapped herself in an outer jacket over her pajamas, and followed them downstairs.

Gu Nanzhou was being supported by the driver, Azhang.

After a struggle, they got the intoxicated man onto the bed, and Su Wan gently closed the bedroom door, frowning at the strong smell of alcohol in the air.

In a low voice, she asked Azhang, "How did Mr. Gu get drunk?"

In her memory, he had never been drunk before.

Azhang scratched his head, somewhat at a loss, "Miss Su, Mr. Gu seemed to have dinner with Mr. Fu and others, I'm not clear about the rest."

Su Wan understood, the Mr. Fu mentioned by Azhang was Fu Xun, one of Gu Nanzhou's friends.

Su Wan frowned again, their own friends' gathering shouldn't have led to drinking so much.

Without saying much more, she only instructed Azhang to be careful on the road and went to make a sobering soup herself.

She rarely entered Gu Nanzhou's bedroom. The bedroom was large and the room spacious with white walls, while the curtains, flooring, and bedding were all in a grey tone, cold as he was.

Su Wan couldn't help but shiver.