066 In terms of physics, Ye Wanlan is simply a genius【2 updates】

When did physics competitions become open to students who study history, chemistry, and biology?

Is it still Ye Wanlan who relied on backdoor admission to enroll at No.7 Middle School?

The same Ye Wanlan who dropped out in the first year of high school to run off to the modeling industry and act as a stand-in?

After hearing Sheng Song greatly elaborate on the incident involving Ye Wanlan and witnessing her violent methods firsthand, Su Xubai and Xue Yiwei were baffled as to why the Physics Group Leader would give her the spot.

He Jiaojiao didn't speak, but her mouth hung open, clearly shocked by the fourth pick.

"What's the matter with you two, huh?" the smile vanished from the Physics Group Leader's face. "Just saying you won't participate and that's it? Do you think physics is a toy for you to play with?"

Physics is the crystallization of human wisdom, to be respected absolutely.