Chapter 17 Double Lotus Jade Pendant

Lu Jiaxin and Xue Mao were weeding in the yard when someone knocked at the door from outside. Upon opening the door, to their surprise, it was Liao Xiangmei.

After inviting her in, Lu Jiaxin poured her a glass of water: "We just moved and don't have much, please don't take offense at the lack of hospitality, Aunt Liao."

Liao Xiangmei felt somewhat saddened by these words, regretful for the foolish things her son had done that had estranged this child from her: "You don't have anything here, didn't your dad say anything?"

Lu Jiaxin certainly wasn't going to speak on his behalf: "He said he gave me all the money he could and couldn't afford to buy more furniture for me. After much arguing, he finally agreed to get me a watch and a tape recorder for learning English."

"As for the furniture, I plan to buy it from the secondhand market. But I'm not familiar with that place, so I'm waiting for Fifth Brother to take me there on Sunday to prevent the merchants from seeing that Xue Mao and I are young and trying to rip us off," she said.

Liao Xiangmei thought for a bit and then spoke: "Xinxin, those words are just to pacify you. He has been working at the department store for so many years, his savings can't be just a few thousand Yuan. Whatever you need, you should ask him for it, and if he doesn't give it, you should fuss just like the other day."

"Xinxin, don't feel embarrassed. It's only right for you to ask for things from your dad. If you don't, in the end, it will just benefit that venomous mother and daughter."

Lu Jiaxin said somewhat helplessly: "I know the principle, but if he says he has no money, there's nothing I can do."

In the hearts of our people, you should be grateful to your parents for giving you life and care for them when they are old. To speak ill of your parents outside is to be considered unfilial and ungrateful. It is fine to complain about Lu Hongjun, but one must not blame or curse him.

Liao Xiangmei said angrily: "To have daughter kicked out and not care about her, what kind of father is that? I'll talk to your dad later and have him help get your things in order."

Lu Jiaxin couldn't be happier. If Lu Hongjun could buy all her stuff, then she'd be able to save a lot of money. Now that she was poor, every penny saved mattered.

From her purse, Liao Xiangmei took out a palm-sized wooden box and handed it to Lu Jiaxin, saying, "This is a keepsake your mother gave to you; keep it safe."

Lu Jiaxin opened it to find a Double Lotus Jade Pendant inside. The pendant looked smooth and delicate, with a pure white color and a soft luster.

Thinking of the jade pendant she had Xue Mao exchange for eighty Yuan, Lu Jiaxin asked, "Aunt Liao, my mom loved jade. Did she collect any jade ornaments?"

Though she had never seen Mrs. Lu wearing jade jewelry, Lu Jiaxin felt that Mrs. Lu must have collected a lot of fine jade ornaments. When you have a special fondness for something and the opportunity to possess it, you sometimes can't help yourself despite the risks.

Liao Xiangmei nodded and said, "Your mom came by a few pieces unexpectedly two years before you were born and kept them because she really liked them. Later, when you came along, she said she would give them to you as your dowry."

"Which pieces were they, do you remember, Aunt Liao?"

Liao Xiangmei thought for a moment and said, "Apart from this Double Lotus and the jade pendant you're wearing, there was also a bracelet and a Hotan jade hairpin. Whether she bought more after that, I'm not sure."

In previous years, the situation was tense, and because Lu Jiaxin was young, the issue was never brought up. Now that policies have relaxed and Lu Jiaxin has become more decisive, she's not afraid of people knowing.

She knew about the two jade pendants, one of which had been sold and the other was now in her hand, but she knew nothing about the bracelet and the hairpin. It was also unclear whether Lu Hongjun still had these items or if he had entrusted them to someone else.

With concern, Liao Xiangmei inquired which school Lu Jiaxin was planning to attend for repeat studies. She believed that with Jiaxin's academic performance, she'd surely pass next year, even though this year had been delayed.

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "I went for a full-body check-up at the hospital this morning. The doctor said my body can't withstand such intense studying for now, so I've decided not to repeat the year for the time being."

Liao Xiangmei had noticed her pale complexion yesterday and knew she was quite weak, so she had brought along powdered milk and honey to nourish her body: "That's a good decision; health is the most important thing. Without it, you have nothing."

Like Xiaoxia who risked her life to save someone else's child, only to end up benefiting another woman and making her own daughter suffer,

Lu Jiaxin indicated that this was exactly what she had planned.

After chatting for a while, Liao Xiangmei was about to leave. Before going, she said, "Xinxin, call me if there's anything in the future."

Lu Jiaxin tactfully declined, "Aunt Liao, you don't have to worry about me. After all I've been through, I can take care of myself now."

Liao Xiangmei felt disheartened. This child had rejected her kindness so many times, it seemed that she really had taken offense. She had originally wanted Fan Yinuo to come and apologize to Lu Jiaxin, hoping that it might ease their relationship, but the insolent young man refused to come back, leaving a note saying he would stay at a friend's house for a few days.

Not only she was angry, but even Old Fan was furious beyond words. Making such a big mistake and not even having the courage to apologize. With no sense of responsibility or accountability, what could he achieve in the future?

Lu Jiaxin walked her guest to the entrance of the alleyway, "Aunt Liao, Fifth Brother said that for the new house we should have a couple of tables to make it lively. I'll let you know when the date is set."

A smile finally appeared on Liao Xiangmei's face, "A housewarming is such a big event, I'll definitely be there."

After seeing off the guest, Lu Jiaxin continued to weed the garden with Xue Mao.

"Jiaxin, Xue Mao, come out and help carry some things."

The two came out and saw Lu Jiajie and his wife Ma Lili, accompanied by a brand-new tricycle.

Ma Lili had fair skin and pleasing features, working at a department store. Lu Jiajie was able to court her partly because of having Lu Hongjun, a general manager, as his uncle, and partly because the Ma family didn't have a son and wanted to take him in as their son-in-law. However, Second Uncle Lu and Second Aunt Lu didn't agree. After negotiations, the couple had decided that their second child would take the Ma family name. Unfortunately, the second child was a girl, and not long after her birth, the one-child policy was implemented, rendering their agreement moot.

Lu Jiaxin, with a full smile, approached them, "Fifth Sister-in-law, what brings you here?"

Ma Lili, holding her hands, scrutinized her and said, "You've gotten tanner, and thinner, you don't look well. You need to take good care of yourself."

Lu Jiaxin nodded in agreement, then welcomed the couple into the house.

Inside the yard, Lu Jiajie dug out a watch and a cassette player from a pile of stuff in the tricycle. He said, "Jiaxin, Third Uncle said he'll slowly provide you with the rest of the things you need."

Lu Jiaxin took the watch and saw it was a Plum brand, one of the top brands in China. She put it on her wrist, then looked at the tricycle full of rice, oil, and other items and asked, "Who bought all these things?"

Lu Jiajie said with a smile, "Of course, your dad bought them. Also, your dad agreed to give you a monthly living allowance of thirty-six Yuan."

Lu Jiaxin was astounded, "How could he agree to that?"

Lu Jiajie said with a chuckle, "I suggested it. He wouldn't agree after a lot of talking, but finally did after big brother gave him a call."

When Big Brother takes action, it's worth double.

"Fifth Brother, thank you." Although she wouldn't be taking the money for long, she was still very touched by the gesture.

"Say that again, and I'll get mad."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile, "This is the last time, I won't be polite to you in the future."

"That's more like it."