Chapter 20 Choosing a Date

Lu Hongjun finished handling his matters and went to Radiance Road.

When Lu Jiaxin saw him, she said in a mocking tone, "Oh, have you come to support your beloved daughter? Then you've knocked on the wrong door. If she dares to come here again, I'll beat her to the point where she can't take care of herself."

Lu Hongjun replied, "Jiaxin, Zhao Siyi is only my adopted daughter, you are my own flesh and blood. Dad would support you, not her."

He spoke as if singing a beautiful tune. Over the past few years, the original soul had suffered so much at home, and he, as though he had gone blind, had seen none of it. Now he was playing the good father, but it was too late.

Lu Jiaxin snorted coldly, "If you really care about me, you'd drive Ding Jing and Zhao Siyi away. But can you bear to do that?"

Lu Hongjun sighed, "Jiaxin, your Aunt Ding and I are husband and wife. How could I let her sleep on the streets? If I were to do that, women's federation officials would soon come to have a talk with me."

Lu Jiaxin almost laughed out of anger, and without holding back, she said, "Dad, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Since you've chosen that pair of viperous mother and daughter, then don't come looking for me in the future. As for me, I'll just consider myself an orphan."

Lu Hongjun's face darkened, but he thought that Lu Jiaxin was saying these hurtful things out of bitterness, "I know you've been wronged, but you need to understand your dad. I'm not young anymore and my health isn't great. If I were to divorce your Aunt Ding, who would take care of me in the future?"

In her memories, Lu Hongjun always used his paternal authority to oppress the original soul. Lu Jiaxin thought that her earlier words would anger him enough to leave, but he was still speaking gently and trying to explain. However, she soon realized why. Lu Hongjun wanted to enjoy the warmth and small kindnesses of his young wife yet was worried that without money or power, she might leave him. At that point, he would have to rely on his daughter in his old age. He really had figured it all out!

Understanding this, Lu Jiaxin changed her tactics as well, saying, "I can't sleep at all these days, it's so hot. When are you bringing the two electric fans?"

In fact, what she really wanted was air conditioning, but unfortunately, it was hard to come by at the moment, and moreover, it used a shocking amount of electricity.

Lu Hongjun said he would bring them to her in the next couple of days.

Lu Jiaxin also asked when the bicycles would arrive; she and Xue Mao each wanted one.

Lu Hongjun said they would arrive this week but felt that two bicycles were too many, "You and Xue Mao only need one bicycle between you."

The easier he was to talk to, the less respect Lu Jiaxin had for him, but she wasn't soft-hearted when it came to benefits, "Get me an English conversation tutor, preferably one who has studied abroad, with a proper accent."

Lu Hongjun felt this request was painful, too ambitious, "Daughter, experts and scholars who have returned from studying abroad are scarce talents needed by the country. How could they come to teach you?"

Such talents were beyond his reach.

Lu Jiaxin did not speak but just looked at him.

In the end, Lu Hongjun caved, promising he would try his best to find someone. While he couldn't hire someone who had studied abroad, finding a student from the foreign language institute should be doable.

Lu Jiaxin mentioned planning the housewarming party, "Fifth Brother said we have to prepare at least two tables. Dad, how many dishes are needed for one table at a housewarming party? And what else needs to be arranged?"

Housewarming was a big event, and Lu Hongjun declared magnanimously, "I will talk to your Fifth Brother about this. Let him and your Fifth Sister-in-law handle the arrangements. You don't need to worry about it."

Having achieved her goal, Lu Jiaxin felt somewhat happier.

Seeing her mood improve, Lu Hongjun thought she was still just a child at heart and spoke earnestly, "Jiaxin, boys like Fan Yinuo may come from a good family and look attractive, but they're indecisive and have bad character. Marrying such a person won't lead to happiness."

He was correct, but Lu Jiaxin disliked his preaching and deliberately cut him off, "Many people said that Aunt Ding, from where she lived before, was a fox spirit who loved to seduce men. What did you say at the time? You said those were just malicious rumors, that Aunt Ding had a clean reputation and was like a pure white lotus."

"If she was so 'clean,' how could Zhao Siyi date Fan Yinuo knowing he was my fiancé? Like mother, like daughter—Zhao Siyi's shameless behavior must have been learned from Aunt Ding."

Lu Hongjun sternly replied, "Jiaxin, Aunt Ding is still your elder. How can you speak of her like this?"

Lu Jiaxin was not afraid to confront him, "If you don't want to hear it, then don't come here. I've been living in Ancient Capital for over a month without a penny, and I've been doing just fine. You don't need to give me money; I can support myself."

Although Lu Hongjun was somewhat angry initially, the thought of his daughter talking about cutting off ties made him panic slightly, "Jiaxin, since you don't want to hear it, I won't say it anymore."

Previously, although his daughter would argue with and upset him, she still respected and revered him as a father. But since she returned this time, she no longer had those feelings of fondness and was quite impatient with him. Clearly, recent events had also turned her anger towards him, and if he kept siding with Aunt Ding, she might indeed sever their father-daughter relationship.

Lu Jiaxin just listened and did not take it to heart. She was only putting up with Lu Hongjun because he was still useful to her. Once she was on her feet, she would have no patience for so much nonsense.

In the evening, Lu Jiajie brought over two electric fans and a bicycle. He asked curiously, "Jiaxin, how did you get Third Uncle to change his mind and buy the fans and bicycle so quickly?"

"Zhao Siyi was here today."

Lu Jiajie's face immediately darkened, "She almost got you killed, and we haven't even settled the score with her, yet she has the nerve to come find you. Jiaxin, what did she do? If you've been bullied, I will seek justice for you."

He didn't sound at all like the father of two children but rather like someone trying to make it in the underworld.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile, "I gave her a good beating, you don't know, she howled so loudly that the entire alley could hear."

Although she didn't strike any vital spots, it was certain that she would need to lie down for at least ten days to half a month. She was so heavy-handed for two reasons, first to let out some steam, and second to let the people in the alley know she was not to be trifled with.

Lu Jiajie gave a thumbs up and praised, "Sister, you beat Zhao Siyi and not only did Third Uncle not blame you, he even went out of his way to buy a fan and a bicycle for you. That's really impressive."

He had always known that Lu Jiaxin was smart—if not, she wouldn't be in the top five of the entire school. It's just that she used to be childish due to her young age, but now she seemed like an adult, even having Third Uncle wrapped around her finger. As long as Third Uncle wasn't biased, Ding Jing and Zhao Siyi weren't a problem.

Lu Jiaxin smiled briefly, then changed the subject, "Today I went to buy a calendar, and I checked that Sunday is auspicious for moving. Fifth Brother, let's set the warm house ceremony for Sunday!"

"Then it's settled for Sunday, I'll call Big Brother tomorrow."

Lu Jiaxin felt that she should be the one to speak about these matters, "Fifth Brother, I'll call Big Brother myself. As for Fifth Sister-in-law, could you please pass on the message for me?"

After Lu Jiajie agreed, he said, "Jiaxin, your sister-in-law told me that Xiao Feng suddenly got diarrhea this afternoon, so I have to go back home tonight."

Lu Jiaxin asked with concern, "Is it serious, did you take her to the hospital?"

Lu Jiajie said he wasn't sure yet; he had just received a call from Mother Ma. Since Ma Lili had taken time off to go back, he wasn't in a rush to return.

Lu Jiaxin went inside and came back out with a bag. Seeing that Lu Jiajie was hesitant, she said, "Fifth Brother, there are apples in here, eating steamed apples can help alleviate symptoms of diarrhea. Fifth Brother, you said we're family, no need to be polite, take it with you."

Lu Jiajie took the apples home.

Ma Lili was surprised to see Lu Jiajie, "Didn't you say you were going to stay at Radiance Road all night, why did you come back?"

First Lu Jiajie inquired about his daughter and, knowing that the child had taken medicine and fallen asleep, he placed the bag on the table, "The child's not feeling well, of course, I had to come back. Jiaxin said that eating steamed apples helps with diarrhea. Steam two apples later and give one each to Ah Qiang and Xiao Feng."

"Better steam three, otherwise Little Fatty will start crying again."

Lu Jiajie didn't say anything.

Seeing that he was unhappy, Ma Lili abruptly changed the subject, "How does Jiaxin know that eating steamed apples can treat diarrhea?"

As she said this, she got up to prepare to take out three apples and put the rest away in the drawer. Yet, looking at the bulging bag, she felt something was off.

"I didn't ask, but with all the books she reads, if she says it's useful, then it must be."


Ma Lili pulled out two sets of clothes from the bag, one set in army green and a pink skirt. She exclaimed in surprise, "You actually bought clothes for the children?"

Lu Jiajie usually bought snacks for the children but had never purchased clothes or socks.

Looking at the clothes and skirt, Lu Jiajie also said with a smile, "I didn't buy them, I was in such a hurry to get back, I forgot to even look inside the bag."

Ma Lili appreciated Lu Jiaxin's thoughtfulness, but she felt it needed to be said, "Jiajie, find a chance to remind Jiaxin to save a bit more in the future. Times have changed, we can't be so extravagant anymore."

Lu Jiajie glanced at his wife and said, "Why save? If we run out of money, we'll just ask Third Uncle for more, and if he doesn't give, we'll have Big Brother talk to him."

Jiaxin had been too conservative in the past, and as a result, the snake-and-scorpion mother and daughter took all the advantage. Now, his sister had smartened up, not only knowing to ask for money but also understanding to ask for things.

With a frown, Ma Lili said, "What do you know? Once you get used to being extravagant, it's hard to change later. We can't spoil Jiaxin just to compete with that woman."

Lu Jiajie wasn't going to persuade her otherwise and said, "When Jiaxin had lost her memory, she could still support herself and Xue Mao by running a snack stall, and she saved enough money to buy a ticket home in just over a month. You, just stop worrying needlessly."

He felt that even if his sister left Third Uncle, she would still live a good life. On the other hand, once Third Uncle retired in a couple of years, it was uncertain whether Ding Jing would still tend to him as she does now.

Ma Lili asked curiously, "Does running a snack stall make good money?"

Lu Jiajie hummed, "Jiaxin said on the best day she made over forty yuan, and even on the least profitable days, she made more than ten, which is much better than our jobs."

It made him itchy to try it himself, but he was also scared to take the leap.

Ma Lili didn't expect it to be so profitable, but no amount of earnings could entice her. Running a snack stall, exposed to the elements, was hard work, and most importantly, undignified.