Chapter 23: Uninvited

Sister-in-law Lu heard that Lu Jiaxin was planning to hire an English tutor and was a bit worried that Lu Jiaxin's body couldn't take it. As a nurse, she was aware that someone in Lu Jiaxin's condition needed plenty of rest and couldn't afford to be overworked.

Lu Jiaxin explained with a smile, "The workload in my final year of high school was too much for me, but just learning English won't tire me out. Besides, staying at home all day with nothing to do is really boring, and learning English with someone will not only improve my language skills but also keep me entertained—a perfect solution."

Lu Jiaguang asked with curiosity, "I remember you scored well in English; didn't you get over eighty on the last mock exam?"

Only someone who truly cares about you would remember the scores from such specific tests. Lu Jiaxin explained, "I usually score in the seventies on my English exams, but I did better on the last mock test with an eighty-one. Listening and writing are where I lose the most points. If I improve in those areas, I should easily score above eighty-five in the future."

Lu Jiaguang was quite happy; with his sister's attitude toward learning, once she was back in good health and went for a repeat year, it was quite possible for her to get into one of the top universities next year.

While they were talking, Liao Xiangmei came in with a bag of items.

When Lu Hongjun saw her, he immediately thought of Fan Yinuo and, with a scowl, said, "Where's Fan Yinuo? It's been almost a week since Jiaxin came back, why hasn't he come over to apologize to her?"

Liao Xiangmei's expression faltered, but before she could speak, Lu Jiaxin jumped in, "Dad, today is my housewarming party. I hope everyone here can enjoy themselves and leave with happy memories."

She had initially planned to cut ties with Liao Xiangmei but after interacting with her, she realized that she genuinely loved the former host. Weighing her options, she decided to maintain contact for the time being, though returning to their former close relationship was out of the question.

Liao Xiangmei brought many things such as cantaloupes, peaches, and chocolates—all foods the original host liked. In addition to that, she also brought a jade phoenix pendent jewel as a housewarming gift.

This jade pendent jewel gleamed with a captivating green, and the phoenix's beak clutched strands of green jade beads, each one smooth and translucent.

Which woman doesn't love jewelry? Upon seeing it, Ma Lili couldn't help but exclaim, "That's so beautiful, Aunt Liao, where did you buy this?"

A nostalgic look appeared in Liao Xiangmei's eyes, "This pendent jewel was a wedding gift from your Third aunt. I know that Jiaxin, just like her mother, loves jade, so this would be the most suitable gift for her."

Originally, she planned to give it to Lu Jiaxin after she married her son, but now that hope had been dashed. Looking at the pendent jewel made her heart ache, so giving it to Lu Jiaxin felt right.

The moment Lu Jiaxin saw the pendent jewel, she loved it. Initially, she felt it was too valuable, but upon hearing it was from Mrs. Lu, she didn't hesitate, "Thank you, Aunt Liao."

Liao Xiangmei, looking at Lu Hongjun, said, "Old Lu, Xiaoxia told me that there was also a necklace that came with this pendent jewel; it had one hundred and eight beads. Do you know where that jade necklace is now?"

Lu Hongjun indicated that he had no idea.

Liao Xiangmei didn't believe him and questioned sternly, "As her intimate partner, how could you not know where Xiaoxia's jewelry went? Lu Hongjun, you didn't give everything to Ding Jing, did you? That was Xiaoxia's legacy, it has to be left for Jiaxin."

Lu Hongjun's face was a complex mix of emotions as he spoke, "She set up this house without my knowledge as well. If Jiaxin hadn't mentioned it herself, I would still be in the dark."

As her intimate partner, he knew very well how much Mrs. Lu loved her jade ornaments, aware that she discreetly collected many pieces. However, he didn't understand nor took an interest in these things and didn't interfere since it didn't seem to cost much. It's normal for people to have some hobbies; he, for instance, liked collecting stamps.

But Liao Xiangmei remained unconvinced, snorting coldly, "Xiaoxia was worried you might remarry and that could be bad for Jiaxin, which is why she prepared this set of houses for Jiaxin. In the end, her concerns were validated."

Lu Hongjun didn't think much of Fan Yinuo and had even considered calling off the marriage once his daughter got into university, but then things went awry midway. It turned out he was right not to be impressed; Fan Yinuo was beyond help, "Xiaoxia trusted you, but what did you do? Fan Yinuo was secretly seeing Zhao Siyi, and because of that, Jiaxin went back to her hometown alone. We were all frantic, searching everywhere for her, and you hid this from us without saying a word."

"Furthermore, you are the person Xiaoxia trusted most. I now have reason to suspect that Xiaoxia entrusted the items to you, and you, out of greed, have deliberately slandered me. This way, you can monopolize these pieces of jewelry,"

He wasn't just throwing mud at Liao Xiangmei; he genuinely believed that. After all, his daughter was engaged to Fan Yinuo, and once they married, Liao Xiangmei would give those jade ornaments to his daughter, who would then pass them down to the Fan Family's descendants.

Liao Xiangmei said, "Lu Hongjun, don't make slanderous accusations. Although these items are pretty, they aren't valuable. If I really wanted them, I could easily buy them at Friendship Store or the antique market."

Listening to the argument between the two, Lu Jiaxin hung her head. She felt that Mrs. Lu didn't fully trust Liao Xiangmei, otherwise, she wouldn't have entrusted Lu Jiaguang and Madam Xie to look after her original self as well. Knowing not to put all eggs in one basket, she reckoned the jewelry couldn't possibly be given to Liao Xiangmei.

Seeing the quarrel escalate, Lu Jiaguang asked, "Did Third Aunt entrust the house to Madam Xie for safekeeping? Could she possibly have also given those jewels to Madam Xie to look after?"

Everyone heard this and thought it made a lot of sense.

Lu Jiaxin felt that Mrs. Lu would not do such a thing. In Mrs. Lu's heart, her daughter's safe growth was of utmost importance; she would never trouble the Xie Family over something so trivial. However, where could those pieces of jewelry be?

Just at this moment, Lu Jiajie's voice came from the kitchen, "Someone come help make the fire; I can't manage it alone."

Sister-in-law Lu and Ma Lili both hurried into the kitchen to help, while Lu Jiaguang kept Lu Hongjun company, giving Lu Jiaxin a meaningful look to pacify Liao Xiangmei.

Lu Jiaxin got the message and immediately took Liao Xiangmei to eat watermelon. Despite her dissatisfaction, she couldn't let the relocation banquet end in disorder.

Liao Xiangmei, having had mud slung at her by Lu Hongjun for no reason, was also in a bad mood; she forced a smile, exchanged a few words with Lu Jiaxin, and then left.

Not long after her departure, someone pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing the newcomer, Lu Jiaxin, with a darkened face, questioned Lu Hongjun, "Did you invite her here?"

Lu Hongjun had not called Ding Jing over, but being questioned by Lu Jiaxin in front of so many people was damaging to his face.

Ding Jing cast a glance around the residence and a flash of envy crossed her eyes, but it quickly disappeared. She walked over to Lu Hongjun, smiling as she said, "Jiaxin, I came to congratulate you. At such a young age you've set up your own household, and living in such a big house, you might be the only one in the Forty-nine City."

Last time, when Lu Jiaxin returned to the Forty-nine City, she hadn't been sure of Lu Hongjun's attitude, so she acted conservatively. Now, she had no such reservations.

Lu Jiaxin picked up a basin of bloody water from the ground and splashed it towards Ding Jing. If not for knowing that others would stop her, it wouldn't just be water -- she would have directly grabbed a stick to hit her with it.

The water trailed down from Ding Jing's hair and cheeks; her small floral dress was soaked, dripping onto the ground.


Smelling the fishy scent on herself, Ding Jing let out a shriek.

Lu Hongjun, seeing Ding Jing's damp figure outline her slender and delicate body, quickly took off his shirt and draped it over her. But as the shirt was too short, he quickly called Ma Lili, who was standing at the kitchen door, to take off her apron and put it on Ding Jing.