Chapter 25 Confidence

Lu Zhenzhen and Lu Zhang were slightly reluctant to leave, promising to come again next week to visit Lu Jiaxin. The visit was just an excuse; they really wanted to listen to stories.

Lu Jiaxin agreed with a smile.

Xue Mao closed the door and whispered, "Sis, are you really going to cut ties with him?"

Although Xue Mao thought Ding Jing and her daughter were detestable, he didn't think the situation had reached the point where he should cut off relations with Lu Hongjun. After all, it was not long ago that Lu Hongjun gave Lu Jiaxin a substantial amount of money, and everything they were eating, wearing, and using now had been provided by Lu Hongjun.

Lu Jiaxin saw a broom lying on the ground, walked over to pick it up and put it away, then spoke leisurely, "I do want to cut ties with him, but it's impossible."

Not to mention now, it is even hard to sever ties with your birth family after thirty years. If your parents file a lawsuit, you'd have to support them, even if they used to be harsh, abusive, or didn't raise you at all.

Xue Mao persuaded, "Sis, it's not good for your father to be so biased towards that woman, but he's still been decent to you. If you really cut off the relationship, you'll be the one who loses out, and that mother and daughter would love to see it."

Lu Jiaxin said disdainfully, "If it's like today, with that woman coming over from time to time to annoy and disgust me, I can do without those things."

Starting a business requires initial capital, which she had intended to scrape together from Lu Hongjun. But if the price was to swallow her pride and stay silent, she would rather take extra time to accumulate it herself.

Xue Mao thought about Ding Jing's behavior and felt that this woman was just too good at acting; it would be difficult for Lu Jiaxin to deal with her.

Lu Jiaxin laughed mockingly, "The problem isn't with that woman; it's with Lu Hongjun. This man wants both a carefree life and a daughter who is devoted and filial. But such a good deal doesn't exist in this world. Forget it, let's not talk about him anymore, it ruins the mood."

Seeing Lu Jiaxin's attitude, Xue Mao immediately changed the subject to street vending, "Uncle probably won't bring us anything anymore, and he might not give us any money either. I'll go out to set up a stall and make some money tomorrow!"

Lu Jiaxin didn't agree, "Currently, the public authorities are cleaning up the security situation. Let's wait until the public safety gets better in a few days before we set up a stall."

"You don't have to worry, I haven't touched the two thousand yuan that Lu Hongjun gave us; a few days delay in setting up the stall won't affect our living. Xue Mao, the cooking skill for the pancake fruit is still lacking, you need to practice more."

When they were in Ancient Capital, they made a good business selling cold noodles, mung bean jelly, and cold drinks that others didn't have. But now that the weather was getting cold, Xue Mao planned to switch to selling pancake fruit, wontons, and buns.

The fillings for the wontons and buns could be prepared in advance and have someone else do the wrapping, but the pancake fruit had to be made fresh. She was physically weak, and even if she was willing, the Lu's brothers would stop her, so Xue Mao had to do it.

Xue Mao wasn't familiar with the place and, though eager to earn money, he had no choice but to abide by Lu Jiaxin's decision.

When Wang Xiaojie and Lu Jiaguang returned home, she said with some unease, "Xinxin not only told Third Uncle to get lost but also talked about severing father-daughter ties. After Third Uncle left, she greeted us with a smile as if nothing had happened. Jiaguang, I...I'm feeling a bit spooked."

If it were her, having fought with her own father to the point of severing ties, she would definitely not be in the mood to entertain guests. It's for this reason she was worried that something might be wrong with Lu Jiaxin's mind.

Lu Jiaguang fell silent, then said, "When the third aunt was around, Xinxin was lively and cheerful, but ever since the third aunt passed away and that woman entered the house, the girl has become increasingly silent, keeping everything to herself. Now it's different, she vents her anger on the spot, so there's no need to worry about her developing any issues from holding it in."

He had just been speaking up for Lu Hongjun, not to make excuses for him, but to avoid straining the relationship beyond repair. It would benefit that mother and daughter duo if the relationship were truly severed, and that definitely couldn't happen.

Wang Xiaojie thought it over and felt it was for the best, and said indignantly, "Third Uncle always sides with that mother and daughter; it's not just Jiaxin who feels cold, but even I do. If Jiaxin really cuts ties with him, I'd like to see how he manages in the future. Does he really think that woman and Zhao Siyi will take care of him when he's old?"

Lu Jiaguang said, "Third Uncle is not foolish; he knows clear as day that when he gets old and can't move, he will have to rely on Xinxin, so he won't actually cut ties with her. Right now, he's just angry. After a few days, when his anger subsides, he'll go find her."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaojie grew even angrier, "Xinxin was nearly killed by those two, and he's still not shielding her, yet he expects her to care for him in his old age? Where does he get the face?"

Lu Jiaguang, seeing clearly, said, "Xinxin used to respect and pity him. He thinks she is still the same as before, but he doesn't realize that she has become more forceful and hardened after going through so much."

Plainly speaking, Lu Hongjun thought he could control his daughter, but little did he expect that things are unpredictable; Xinxin's heart had grown cold and she had lost her affection for him.

As they say, an outsider sees things more clearly, and he saw the situation crystal clear, but Third Uncle had yet to see it for what it was. Therefore, it was necessary for him to give a reminder.

Lu Jiaguang said, "Today, Xinxin announced in front of everyone that she wanted to sever ties with him, which was a blow to his pride. Knowing his personality, he will definitely give that girl a cold shoulder for a while. In the meantime, I will visit her when I have time, and provide her with anything she might lack."

Wang Xiaojie understood his meaning and smiled, saying, "Whatever you want to provide for her, just buy it; there's no need to make a special mention to me."

Initially, when her husband retired from the military, according to policy, he was supposed to work back in the Ancient Capital, their old hometown. At the time, Lu Hongjun didn't dare to ask for help as he was being targeted, so as they resigned themselves to returning home, Mrs. Lu sought help from an old friend who arranged for her husband to join the railway bureau. She came over a year later, first worked in a community health center, and then due to her commendable performance, was transferred to the current district hospital, eventually becoming head nurse. Therefore, she was very grateful to Mrs. Lu.

Meanwhile, Lu Hongjun also confronted Ding Jing, "You knew that Jiaxin hates you two to the bone, so why did you still go?"

Ding Jing did not say that she went to congratulate Lu Jiaxin on her housewarming, knowing Old Lu wouldn't believe it anyway: "Siyi is still bedridden, and in a couple of days, we don't even know if she will be able to report as planned. Yet, there she is, happily hosting a housewarming party. I couldn't stand it and wanted to seek justice for Siyi."

Lu Hongjun said with a cold face, "You're pleased that you disrupted Jiaxin's housewarming party, aren't you? Also, do you particularly hope that I fall out with Jiaxin?"

Ding Jing felt a chill in her heart, and then tears fell like broken pearls, "How can you think of me that way? I went there just because I was angry at her for being so harsh on Siyi. Old Lu, I really didn't expect her to say such things."

"Old Lu, now when she is dependent on you, she dares to say such things; once she grows strong enough, she definitely won't care about you," she said.

Seeing her cry so sadly, Lu Hongjun didn't have the heart to say more, "Jiaxin hit Siyi, and now you've disrupted her housewarming party, so we're even. Let's not bring this up again in the future."

Ding Jing's heart constricted, her daughter had suffered so much, yet it was being dismissed just like that. However, she understood Lu Hongjun and knew pushing the issue further would only irritate him, so she had to swallow this grievance, for the time being.