Chapter 60 Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda

The Lu family members were relieved to learn that Elder Lady Hu had confessed, feeling their previous efforts hadn't been in vain, and they were all very happy. Big Aunt was especially grateful, clasping her hands in prayer to thank the heavens for ensuring that the wicked received their due.

Upon seeing this, Big Uncle Lu couldn't help but curse, "We've always said that we need to eliminate all feudal superstitions, so why are you starting with this again?"

It was lucky that no one was in charge anymore, or if someone had seen and reported it a few years earlier, his position as the head of the production brigade would have been jeopardized.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile, "Big Uncle, don't scold Big Aunt. If it wasn't for Big Aunt and Xiao Qiu saying that harming others would bring retribution, I wouldn't have thought of this method."