Chapter 60 Saving a Life is Better Than Building a Seven-Story Pagoda_3

Big Aunt Lu thought differently and said, "It's Little Three who caused Jiaxin to become like this. As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell should be the one to untie it. We need to let Little Three comfort Jiaxin more."

Big Uncle Lu believed a two-pronged approach would be better, "I'll call Little Three tomorrow. If he doesn't listen, we'll go to the Forty-nine City in a couple of months."

Big Aunt said, "Let's go at the end of the year. Guang'er hasn't been able to come home for New Year's for years. This year, we'll spend it with him."

Big Uncle Lu wanted to go too, but his partner had always been worried about the house and reluctant to leave the family livestock. He was also not willing to go alone, since his daughter-in-law's cooking did not suit his taste. Now that his partner had given in, he had no further objections.