Chapter 68: Secret Passage

Within three days, Gu Wenfeng had figured out the history of the Sun Family. The courtyard they lived in had been allocated to Sun Xun when the family split more than thirty years ago. Since the male owner lived in the second courtyard, there was no study set up here.

These past few days, Lu Jiaxin had been pondering how Sun Xun discovered the secret passage two years later. Given their economic situation, they couldn't afford to renovate the house. Moreover, if the entrance to the secret passage was revealed during the renovation, the two households in the back would definitely make a fuss.

The heirlooms passed down from their ancestors belonged to all members of the Sun Family. However, in her previous life, she had not heard any disputes over inheritance from the third household, so before selling those antique paintings and calligraphy, the two households in the back must have been unaware.