Chapter 73 Candor

The value of antiques and paintings is bound to rise. Especially ancient paintings, if they are genuine works by famous artists, they will increase by hundreds or thousands of times in twenty or thirty years!

Lu Jiaxin said, "If the other party doesn't sell their collection, it's fine if we can't buy it back. If they do want to sell and I don't have enough money, I can help find a buyer and will certainly not let the items be taken abroad."

Even if the value increases a thousand times, she could afford to buy it from them in the future. Knowing the future was her greatest trump card.

Xue Mao, who had been silent all along, interjected, "Selling to businessmen from Hong Kong, doesn't it mean the items will end up overseas if they bring them back to Hong Kong?"

Lu Jiaxin, exasperated, said, "Read more books in the future or others will think you're ignorant and won't want to deal with you."