Chapter 6: She Didn't Take Anything With Her

For some unknown reason, when Ye Xi uttered the words "divorce," Song Musen felt as if something was suddenly missing from his heart.

Yet he had been waiting for this outcome for a long time.

Now that she had brought it up herself, shouldn't he have felt happy?


As Ye Xi walked down from the stairs with her luggage, Song Yunxi merely glanced up at her.

"If you have the guts to leave, don't come back. Leave behind everything the Song Family gave you; nothing you bought here belongs to you."

Ye Xi's footsteps halted at the door.

After hearing Song Yunxi's words, Ye Xi approached her with her luggage in tow.

Song Musen also witnessed this scene from the stairs.


He looked down from his higher position, his intention being to signal to Song Yunxi not to go too far.

Song Yunxi turned her head away, no longer paying attention to Ye Xi.

Yet Ye Xi still opened her suitcase in front of her, spreading its contents before her.

"Auntie, see for yourself. If there is anything that shouldn't be taken away by me, I will leave it."

Inside Ye Xi's suitcase was indeed clean; aside from a few changes of clothes, she hadn't taken a single piece of jewelry.

Song Yunxi glanced over it and said nothing.

Once Ye Xi closed her suitcase again, Song Musen had come up behind her.

"I'll have the driver take you."

He actually felt a pang of pity.

However, Ye Xi coldly said, "No need."

After speaking, she left the Song Family, alone with her luggage.


Ye Xi sat alone in the bar, all the way into the evening.

She couldn't count how much she had drunk; her head was spinning, and she felt so suffocated that she struggled to breathe.

Jiang Nian's phone kept going straight to voicemail.

Jiang Nian was her only confidant in Lincheng.

It was a pity that at a time when she was so distressed, she couldn't even find him.

The low battery warning of her phone sounded as a call came through.

"Hello, may I ask if this is Ms. Ye Xi? I am from the obstetrics and gynecology department at Ci'an Hospital..."

Somehow, just hearing the words "obstetrics and gynecology" made Ye Xi's stomach churn uncontrollably.

Though artificial insemination was done by machines,

the moment she learned that her cells had been combined with those of a man she had never even seen, and deposited into her womb, she felt so nauseous she wanted to vomit.

Before the person on the phone could explain what had happened, Ye Xi put down her phone and ran towards the restroom.

In the bathroom, Ye Xi vomited with a "wah," which finally brought her some relief.

Meanwhile, her phone screen was still lit on the bar top, and the voice from inside continued, "Congratulations, your artificial insemination has been successful. Please come to our hospital for checkups on the proper pregnancy test dates..."

Unfortunately, Ye Xi didn't hear a single word of it.


When Shen Yijun and Han Chen walked in through the bar entrance, they looked back.

"Why didn't Fourth Brother follow?"

Shen Yijun and Han Chen were childhood friends of Lu Lingxiao, eager to welcome Lu Lingxiao back from abroad.

But Lu Lingxiao had always been busy.

Today, Lu Lingxiao happened to be nearby for a social engagement, and Shen Yijun, who loved the lively scene, had chosen this bar as the venue.

As the two sat down at the bar, they saw a drunken woman returning to her booth. Just as she sat down, she accidentally knocked her phone to the floor.

Shen Yijun, being a gentleman, picked up the phone and returned it to Ye Xi.

"Miss... beautiful lady, you dropped your phone."