Chapter 1: I sold a haunted house

My name is Chen Mo. Two years ago, after losing my job, I went to work at the store where I grew up.

I worked as a real estate agent when I was young. He opened two stores, and I worked in one of them.

Due to my eloquence, I have done quite well in this field. In the first year, I bought a car worth over 300000 yuan in full, and in the second year, I saved a lot of money.

I thought to myself, if I work for another decade or so, won't I be able to reach the pinnacle of my life?

But just a few days ago, the store had an accident.

The cause of the incident was a house that I had sold through my hands. In less than half a year, the couple who bought the house came to me to check out, saying that the house I sold them was a haunted house.

What is a haunted house?

Generally speaking, a house with abnormal deaths is called a haunted house, such as murder, suicide, and accidental death.

For those who buy a house, as long as someone has died in that house, whether it is a normal death or not, they will consider it a haunted house.

In our industry, there are clear rules regarding this. If a house that has been hung up has died, regardless of whether it is a normal death or not, it must be clearly stated in the contract to the customer. It cannot be sold without the customer's knowledge, otherwise it is a violation of industry rules and will damage the reputation of the entire industry.

Although there are often people who don't follow the rules and behave recklessly, I am a very disciplined person.

I repeatedly assured the buyer and his wife that no one could have died in that house, and I even called the seller in front of them to verify.

The seller also said that the house is not a haunted house, and no one has died inside.

But the buyer couple seemed to have mental health issues, insisting that someone must have died inside. They said that when they slept in the master bedroom, they always felt a pair of eyes staring at them, causing them to have nightmares every night for the past six months.

This couple is causing trouble in our store every day, seriously affecting our business. In the end, we were forced to report to the police and let them handle this matter.

Later, I went to the police station with my friend Meng Yifan and the couple.

After knowing the truth of the matter, the police were also somewhat speechless.

After all, this couple couldn't provide any evidence to prove that the house had died. They only said that they felt a pair of eyes staring at them while sleeping.

Due to the impact on the business of the store, Meng Yifan is also very popular, saying that the couple has mental problems and should go to the psychiatric department.

As a result, both sides had another big argument at the police station.

The police are also very responsible, sending two officers to visit the nearby area to investigate whether there have been any fatalities in that house, and also checking the internal system to see if there have been any homicides in that area.

The conclusion is that no one has died in that house, and there have been no homicides in that area.

I have been vindicated, and the police have also warned the couple not to cause trouble at our store in the future.

I thought this farce could end here, but in less than two days, the couple came back.

They played pranks on us directly, forcing us to check out and also compensating them for the corresponding mental damages.

"Absolutely, really absolutely absolutely, two mentally ill people on the street!"

Meng Yifan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, so he called us all over and said, "Everyone, come up with a solution. If they continue like this, we won't have to do business anymore. Everyone will have to eat dirt next month."

Colleagues in the store are also very helpless, after all, even the police have mediated. What do they have?

It's illegal to hit someone these days, otherwise these couple would have gone to the hospital and gone to the orthopedics department earlier.

I said, "Since they say that house is a haunted house, let's go in and stay for two nights. If we both think it's normal, then it's not that the house is abnormal, it's the two of them who are abnormal themselves."

After listening to me, everyone expressed agreement.

"There is still a way for the second in command."

"When the time comes, let's see how the two of them will continue to argue!"

Meng Yifan also agreed with my suggestion and patted my shoulder, saying, "Since the house was sold by the second in charge and the idea came up with by the second in charge, then this difficult task will be entrusted to you, the second in charge."

Of course, I am not noncommittal, I don't think there is anything.

Don't say it's not a haunted house, even if it's a haunted house, I'm not afraid.

In the end, Meng Yifan invited the couple in, and at least they agreed to let the people from our store stay for two nights.

They seem very confident, saying that if there is a problem with the house, we must invite the seller and discuss the check-out.

We have also prepared for the worst-case scenario here. If we really want to check out in the end, our biggest deal is to refund an agency fee, and I won't take my 10000 commission anymore. After all, if they continue to make such a fuss, we will only suffer more losses.

I just don't understand one thing.

This couple is incredibly confident, as if we were going to sleep for two nights and would definitely encounter something abnormal.

I said to myself, even if we really encounter something abnormal, if I don't speak it out, I lie, wouldn't they be able to return the house?

Of course, since they personally promised, it would be very beneficial for us.

I really don't believe in any feudal superstitions in this world.

same evening.

Meng Yifan brought several high-definition cameras to the store.

Since we want to prove that the house is not a problem, we naturally need evidence to support it.

The videos captured by these high-definition cameras are evidence, not only in high-definition, but also capable of recording sound.

"Hard work, my second in command."

Meng Yifan handed me the camera and joked, "If it's haunted, you can call me. It's better if it's a female ghost. I'll go take care of her overnight."

My relationship with Meng Yifan is even better than Meng Yifan's relationship with his girlfriend, so we often joke.

And this guy didn't treat me as his employee, otherwise the people in the store wouldn't call me the second in command.

"Alright, if there's anything hard to do, just take a two-day break."

I carried a pocket of cameras and drove to that house.

The couple who bought the house moved out of that house half a month ago and haven't moved back in for half a month. They handed us the keys before leaving today.

Half an hour later, I arrived at the entrance of the community.

This community is an old one, with a large flat layout built twenty years ago.

At that time, this was also considered a relatively good house. Although it was a escalator room, an elevator was installed a few years ago, and the overall decoration was done. The community still looks quite good.

I found a place to park my car before entering the community. That house is located at No. 2, 5th floor, Unit 3. As I was walking down to Unit 3, I noticed an old lady staring at me.

This old lady is quite old, holding a cane and seems very curious about me.

"Young man, aren't you from our community?"

"Ah, yes, I'm not here."

Due to professional habits, I was happy to talk to people and started chatting with the old lady, saying, "There is a house here that I sold. The buyer insisted that there was a problem with the house. I will stay for two nights to see if there is any problem."

The old lady was momentarily taken aback and asked me, "Which room?"

I raised my finger and said, "This building, five bars and two."

The old lady's face changed noticeably, she took a step back and looked at me, "Five bars and two... were they sold six months ago?"

I nodded hastily and said, "Yes, you have been living in this community, do you know that house?"

The old lady is also very talkative, saying, "When this community was just built, my old man and I moved in. I lived here for twenty years."

It seems to be an old resident.

I asked again, "Do you know what happened in this neighborhood? For example, five bars two..."

The old lady looked up, as if looking at the fifth floor, and then said, "This house has been sold twice in total, once you sold it, and once it was sold fifteen years ago. After the first sale, no one has lived in that house."

I was surprised when I heard this. This house has already been sold once?

The seller never mentioned this to me before.

Of course, whether someone mentions it or not is his freedom, after all, the house has been sold several times and does not affect subsequent transactions.

But why hasn't anyone lived in this house since it was first sold?

Can't buy it back and keep it? What are you doing with it?

"Old man, have you never rented out this house before?" I asked again.

The old lady shook her head and said, "I haven't rented it out before. It has always been empty. Young man, there isn't much to live in that house. Let's go back early."

After speaking, the old lady left and entered the elevator of Unit 4.

This type of elevator is installed on the periphery of the building and is a transparent elevator.

I have been watching downstairs and found that this old lady also lives on the fifth floor.

She entered Unit 4, and I entered Unit 3.